Field Experience Walk-through

Welcome to Tk20’s Field Experience!

By the end of this guide, you will be able to use the Field Experience portion in Tk20.

Getting Started

If you are unfamiliar with the Field Experience tab in Tk20, you can begin by viewing this overview (Field Experience Overview ) to get you introduced.  


Once you are familiar with Field Experience, this list of steps is a required portion of foundational data needed to use the Field Experience portion of Tk20: 

  1. Build your Districts/Sites that will be utilized for placement of your students. Use the excel template attached at the bottom of this article to collect your district and site information for any new districts/sites that should be added. Our support team can help you get districts/sites built if you complete the spreadsheet.
  2. Build your Site Staff that will be utilized for placement of your students. Use the excel template attached at the bottom of this article to collect your district and site information for any new districts/sites that should be added. Our support team can help you get site staff built if you complete the spreadsheet.
  3. Ensure student accounts are created and activated who will need to be a part of Field Experience.
  4. Create any needed rubrics for Field Experience. If there is a new rubric built, begin by reviewing it in Administration Form Builder (Form Builder OverviewForm Builder Hands On TrainingForm Builder 101 ). Our support team can help you get rubrics built. 
    • TIP: Forms need to be both active AND public in order to be used.


Once your foundational data for Field Experience is set up, you are prepared to construct the templates. Note: Templates are digital hard copies of information that can be used repeatedly. You should use recognizable yet generic naming conventions for templates (i.e., Elem Ed Final Internship or 2nd year Final Clinical). You should not have to make these every term. 

    1. Begin by building your Placement Templates (Video - Create Placement Templates  | Quick Guide - Create a Placement Template ).
      • Note: Placement templates are the thread that will tie together actual placements with the student’s binder.
    2. Begin by building your Binder Template (Creating a Field Experience Binder Template )


Once the templates are constructed, you are prepared to place students with their assessors in the system. 

  1. Place your students (Placing a Student )
  2. You can also edit an existing placement as needed (Edit an Existing Field Placement  | Re-associate a Field Experience Placement with a Different Course )
  3. (Option) Use Bulk Placement to place students. (Video - Bulk Placement Walkthrough for Unit Administrators  | Bulk Placement  

Sending Binders

  1. You are now ready to send binders! (Sending a Field Experience Binder )
    • When you send a binder, you can customize the name of the sent binder (e.g., Spring YYYY Elem Ed Final Intership).
  2. If you need to modify a FE binder that is already sent out, review the modifications you can make (Modifying a Sent Field Experience Binder )
  3. Now that your binders are sent out, you can begin to review the reports that are available to use in the Field Experience section. (Field Experience Reports )

Congratulations! You now know the principles of the Field Experience portion of Tk20! If you would like to have any hands-on training around field experience or would like to meet with a product consultant to discuss your specific needs, please reach out to your Client Success Manager.

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