When creating user accounts, the users are not automatically notified of their account creation.
Users on advanced authentication (SAML, Portal, LDAP or Shibboleth) log in with their existing credentials, thus communication only needs to be provided to tell them when they can first log in and where. We have provided a template titled Faculty Roll Out Sample Message that can be used to notify faculty and staff that Faculty Success is ready for them to begin entering records.
Local authentication users have a default password, for this reason they must be sent a link to reset their password in order to log in. These users have two choices for how they can receive a password reset link:
1) As the Administrator, you can choose to send the password reset link to the user via the Users and Security utility by clicking on the pencil icon next to their name and then clicking the Reset Password button. For information on the Users and Security utility, please see the article Users and Security.
2) Local authentication users can reset their passwords by clicking the "Reset Your Password" link in the "Need Help?" section of the login screen. You can send a mass email to all new users with the login page URL and share this article with the users Reset your password for Faculty Success so they can review the instructions on how reset their password.