Curriculum Management Collaborator Feature

The Collaborator Feature adds the ability to include more than one user as the originator on a single proposal.

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When this feature is included on the base form, there will be a button at the top of the form labeled "Add Collaborators". Clicking this button will produce a list of users who have access to create/submit proposals within the Curriculum Management system. The initiator of the proposal will be able to choose as many users from the list as they want to include as a collaborator on the proposal.

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Please note: To include a user in this list, they need to have the "cm basic user" role assigned to their user profile. This role provides the user basic access to the CM system, that includes viewing the dashboards, launching a form, submitting a proposal.

When added to a proposal, the name(s) will be listed below the collaborator button. An "x" will be present next to each name if the initiator, another collaborator or the administrator wish to remove one of the collaborators.

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Any collaborator added to the proposal will share the same exact access as the initiator or submitter of the proposal. This includes the ability to edit the proposal while in Draft state and access to edit the proposal if it gets returned to the submitter and is in the "Return to Submitter" workflow state. This also includes the ability to promote the proposal to the next workflow, resubmit the proposal from the "Return to Submitter" workflow state and allows the collaborator to receive email notifications for the proposal.

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When the proposal is in the workflow, the collaborator, like the initiator/submitter, will not have access to edit the proposal unless they also have the responsibility of approving proposals in the workflow it resides in. 

You can add a collaborator or additional collaborators when the proposal is at any stage in the workflow, but please note, adding a collaborator while a proposal is in workflow does not give the user automatic access at the stage where the proposal is. The collaborator will still only have the same access as the initiator unless they also have that specific workflow role assigned to their user profile already.

If there are further questions, or if you do not have this feature and would like to implement the collaborator feature to your Curriculum Management forms, please reach out to support.

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