Why is data delayed on the Home page dashboard Student Alerts widget?


By design, the Student Alerts widget data refreshes every 30 min via scheduled job, so depending on how much data is being processed and when the job last ran, it may take up to 1-2 hours to complete and update what displays on the UI.

  • The Student Alerts job will look for all alerts that should display on the Student Alerts widget at the time the scheduled job runs.
  • The max amount of time it may take to see an alert display on the Home Page widget will depend on the exact time of the alert, interval between jobs, plus the time it takes for the job to complete.


For example, if an alert was triggered at 10:55 AM, it will show up immediately, as expected, on the:

  • Targeted student alerts tab
  • Targeted student activity feed
  • Targeted student success team/followers caseload activity feed
  • Message Report (alert messages are sent from the System User)

However, the Student Alerts widget will only display this same alert after the next student alert view scheduled job completes and refreshes the UI. Therefore:

  • If a job runs at 11 AM and finishes at 11:20 AM, the alert will appear on the home page in the student alerts widget at 11:20 AM.
  • If the job starts at 11 AM and only finishes at 12:15 PM, the alert will appear on the UI at 12:15 PM.
  • If the next job starts at 11:15 AM and finishes at 11:40, the alert will appear on the UI at 11:40 AM.

NOTE: If alerts are still missing from the UI after 1-2 hours, filter the Message Report "To" field by the targeted student ID to verify that the the alert was SENT or DELIVERED to a Successfully Sent (Email Address) Destination.

  • If the Message Report shows an Error, that can explain the reason for a delay, and what must be fixed in order for the alert to successfully send from SS&E and display on the UI.

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