Staff View - Home Page Dashboard


When staff and faculty members log into Student Success & Engagement they see a Staff view.

  • Each Staff View opens up on a Home page tab that displays a dashboard for the logged-in user's specific caseload (if assigned) and/or students that they may be following.

Home Page Dashboard

The logged-in user's dashboard includes courses in the current specific term, notifications from their Caseload Activity Feed, the Overall Risk Level of their caseload, the Guided Pathways or Academic Plans that require review, and an indication of any unread messages that are awaiting a reply.  In addition:

Student Alerts Widget

The Student Alerts widget displays either Open or Closed alerts based on the alert widget filter selections.

  • By design, the student alert widget displays alerts based on the alert recipient's Caseload User Settings. 
  • The staff member must have selected to be informed on the specific student and alert type and they must also have permission to view the alert reason.
  • An alert will NOT display on the user's Home page Student Alerts dashboard widget if the logged-in user is a recipient of the alert yet they are NOT on the student's success team and are NOT following the student, UNLESS they are an alert coordinator/the default alert coordinator.
    • If Staff Initiated Alert permissions allow at least one of the alert coordinator's user assigned role(s) to view the alert reason, Alert Coordinators will see early alerts displayed on their Home page in the Student Alerts widget, even when the targeted student(s) are off-caseload.
    • If Staff Initiated Alert permissions allow at least one of the default alert coordinator's user assigned role(s) to view the alert reason, the Default Alert Coordinator will see early alerts on their Home page in the Student Alerts widget if NOBODY else received the alert.
  • For more information about the Student Alert widget, click here.

Courses Widget

The Courses widget defaults to displaying course sections that are associated with the active term. If there are no courses in the active term, then it shows the most recently completed term. Faculty can change the desired term by clicking the arrows and selecting the appropriate term.


Each section provides an at-a-glance view for the faculty member.

  • When clicking on any one section, the platform will immediately direct the faculty member to that specific section in a detailed format. 


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