Key Engagements


Key Engagements in Student Success & Engagement represent specific interactions between students and their success team staff that lead to increases in the students success.


  • Key Engagements allow each institution to set how often students should be engaging with their success team staff.
  • Key Engagements present team based data showing the type of interactions that are occurring, and more importantly when they aren't occurring.
  • Key Engagements facilitate accountability and promote a repeatable process to help ensure that students receive key interactions.
  • Key Engagements are designed to be used in conjunction with SS&E Teams, further described here

Key Engagement Types

Within SS&E, specific actions or activities performed by staff or students can be considered Key Engagements.

  • When displaying Key Engagements, SS&E will track these items and display which students have not had a Key Engagement(s) within a specified number of days.
  • By default, the following activity type items are enabled as Key Engagements.
  • Activities can be removed from being included as a Key Engagement by an SS&E Administrator by checking or unchecking "Is Key Engagement" on individual Key Engagement activity type items.

The following items represent Key Engagement activity types in SS&E Administration:

Note Types

  • Each Note displayed in SS&E is associated with a note type.
  • Each individual note type can be configured as a Key Engagement.

Meeting Service Offerings

  • When scheduling a meeting, the service type that is associated with the meeting is required as part of the meeting scheduler process.
  • Each individual service offering can be configured as a Key Engagement.


  • Each individual impact task can be configured as a Key Engagement.


  • When applicable, students taking a survey in SS&E can be considered a Key Engagement.
  • Each individual survey can be configured as a Key Engagement.


SS&E Teams are defined as a group of individuals, usually staff users, that are working towards a common goal, such as Success Coaches, Power Advisors, Nursing Instructors etc.

Teams are setup in Teams Administration from SS&E Administration -> Teams -> Manage Teams.

Team examples:

  • Teams can be used to group success teams together for managerial reporting.
  • Teams can be used for filtering on Key Engagements Performance by team.
  • Users must be included in at least one team in order to display on the Student Key Engagement Scores by Person widget.



In Role Administration, permissions allow users to view all people's Key Engagements performance or only your own team(s) Key Engagements performance.

  • To view everyone's key engagement performance, both selections should be checked.

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Dashboard Widgets

For Success Team members that are members of a team, the Key Engagements dashboard widget can display which students on each success team member's caseload have not been recently engaged. 

The Key Engagement dashboard widgets allows users to view overall key engagement scores by person or by team, eg. a custom defined group of individual SS&E users. 

  • When no team is being filtered on, the Student Key Engagement Scores by Person widget will either display all team members from all teams, or all team members only from teams that the logged-in user is a member of. This depends on the logged-in user's Key Engagements role-based permissions.

From within a widget, clicking on a staff member's progress bar will open the Key Engagement report that displays the type of key engagements being performed on the staff user's caseload. 

  • Permission to access the Key Engagement Report is required in order to drill into a staff member's key engagement widget progress bar. 

Widget Filters

Selecting the Key Engagements widget filter allows user's to view key engagements across different teams (depending upon the logged-in user's role based permissions) and change the default number of days that determine how and which key engagements display.


The Key Engagements report displays students who have not performed a Key Engagement within a specific number of days along with their student success team.

  • Report results can be exported to Excel for additional data manipulation and/or charting.
  • Only users with permitted roles can use and view the Key Engagement report. 

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