ACBSP Standards and Overview

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Faculty Success offers a suite of reports to assist you in seeking accreditation from the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) at all levels of collegiate business educational degree programs, from associate to doctoral. The suite of reports include ACBSP Tables: 5.1.C, 5.2.A.1, 5.2.A.2, 5.2.A, and 5.3.D.1. Each table uses complex logic, pulling in data from pre-defined, required fields to determine which users and activities are represented.

We recommend that you audit the data in these fields to ensure that you create the most accurate reports for your school. Previously, this information may have been compiled manually. We've simplified the process with this suite reports that streamline both data auditing and clean-up. 


While these reports can help you through the accreditation process and audit data that has already been entered, you should also consider making the fields included in ACBSP reports required for the activity screens. A required field must have a value entered before users can save or edit a record. With these fields set as required, new activities will be entered with complete data.

Before you set fields to required, consider what activity information your faculty would know, and at what time’s it’s known when data are being entered. We do not want users making up information to save an in-progress activity.

A list of required fields for the ACBSP reports can be found in the ACBSP Required Fields Audit article linked here, and you can download the report templates at the end of this article to view how data is displayed in the reports.


The ACBSP accreditation process is based on the Baldrige model. The accreditation focuses on 7 standards that recognize teaching excellence, determining student learning outcomes, and establishing a model of continuous improvement. The full standards can be found here

How is ACBSP different from AACSB?

The ACBSP is a newer organization that was founded in 1989 to meet the need for specialized accreditation by higher education institutions with business schools and programs. Specifically, accreditation that recognized and emphasized classroom instruction quality and contribution to student learning. The key differences between ACBSP and AACSB are listed below. 

  • ACBSP is more teaching and application focused while AACSB is more research and theory focused. 
  • ACBSP offers to accredit business programs at the associate, baccalaureate, master's, and doctoral levels, including MBA programs. AACSB does not offer accreditation for business programs at associate degree schools. 
  • ACBSP is recognized by CHEA.

Request the ACBSP Reports

If you are ready for ACBSP reports to be added for your system, simply submit a “Report Setup” work request and specify the security roles that should have access to run these reports. As part of the deployment of these reports, some ACBSP specific fields will be added to your system.

Report Template 

These reports are intended to provide a solid starting point for your ACBSP reporting, based on the data currently collected in Faculty Success. The ACBSP suite of reports in Faculty Success are intended to give administrators the tools they need to comply with ACBSP requirements. Additional information that fall outside the scope of the data collected in Faculty Success is required for ACBSP, but these reports will assist in compiling some of the information needed for the accreditation journey.

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