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This article contains the required fields relevant for the versions of ACBSP Tables: 5.1.C, 5.2.A.1, 5.2.A.2, 5.2.A, and 5.3.D.1. It is best practice to download the report template for each version for your institution to see if you have made any customizations that are not covered in this article.
All Reports
Yearly Data
- In order for a faculty member's activities to count they must have a Yearly Data record which overlaps the end date of the report, and the faculty member must have a value in the ACBSP Qualification field.
Table 5.1.C: Full-Time and Part-Time Table for Faculty Qualifications
Scheduled Teaching
- Course Name
- Course Prefix
- Course Number
- Credit Hours
Yearly Data
- ACBSP Qualification
- Degree
- Emphasis / Major
- Supporting Areas of Emphasis
- Institution
- Date Completed (Year)
- Transcript
Teaching Qualifications
- Qualification Basis
- Supporting Documentation
Licensures and Certifications
- Title of Licensure/Certification
- Sponsoring Organization
- Date Obtained
Professional Positions
- Title/Rank/Position
- Organization
- Department
- Start Date
- End Date
Table 5.2.A.1: Faculty Coverage Summary
Scheduled Teaching
- Official Enrollment Number
- Course Level
- Number of Credit Hours
Table 5.2.A.2: FT Faculty Load
Scheduled Teaching
- Credit Hours
- Term and Year
- Course Prefix
- Course Number
Yearly Advising Summary
- Number of Undergraduate Students Advised
- Number of Graduate Students Advised
Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research
Professional Service
Professional Memberships
- All records overlapping the report date range
Faculty Development Activities Attended
- All records overlapping the report date range
University Service
- Position/Role
Public Service
- Position/Role
All records overlapping the report date range
Professional Service
- Position/Role
Directed Student Learning
Administrative Assignments
All records overlapping the report date range
Table 5.2.A: Faculty Credit Hour Production
Scheduled Teaching
- Term and Year
- Official Enrollment Number
- Number of Credit Hours
- Course Level
Yearly Data
- Full-Time Equivalency
Table 5.3.D.1: Scholarly and Professional Activities of Masters and Doctorate Qualified Faculty Members
- Highest Degree You Have Earned?
Licensures and Certifications
- Title of Licensure/Certification
- ACBSP Classification
- ACBSP Classification
All records overlapping the report date range
Professional Service
Faculty Development Activities Attended
All records overlapping the report date range
Professional Memberships
All records overlapping the report date range
Note: When you run the report, you may notice a few blank columns, such as the "Other" column in the Table 5.3.D.1: Scholarly and Professional Activities of Masters and Doctorate Qualified Faculty Members report. The blank column is there on purpose so that you may enter data into it after the report is generated. |