Student Success & Engagement may store multiple phone numbers for any given person. However, in many areas, there is only one staff/faculty "preferred" phone number displayed on the UI.
- This artcile does not apply to student,s eg. users that are only assigned a student role/function.
- This article only applies to person records that are staff/faculty/student-workers, not students.
How is the Preferred Person Phone Number determined?
In areas of Student Success & Engagement where only one phone number is associated with a SS&E user, SS&E determines which "preferred" phone number will display on the UI based on the following attributes. The very first number identified is displayed on the UI.
SS&E looks for a preferred number in the following order:
- Verified Number
- Primary Number
- Other Number
Verified Number
If any of the person phone numbers are marked as "Verified", then the very first verified number found by the system will be used as the user's "preferred number".
- Any phone number can be marked as verified within SS&E from the user's Profile tab.
- Verifying a person's phone number is a manual process.
Primary Number
When person phone numbers are imported from the SIS, a "primary" flag is set to "true" or "false".
- When set to "true", the imported person phone number record is marked as a primary number in SS&E.
If any of the person's phone number records are primary phone numbers, the very first primary number that the system finds will be used as the "preferred number".
- SIS Import Definitions can be found by searching for the Person Phone data feed here.
Other Number
If a user does not have any person phone numbers marked as verified or primary, then the very first phone number the system finds will be used as the user's "preferred" phone number.