Pre-Release Notes for Aviso Retention Renaming to Watermark SS&E


The first round of updates that reflect Aviso Retention's new name, Watermark Student Success & Engagement, are coming soon!

Beginning Friday, August 5th, Watermark Student Success & Engagement will appear on the Primary Navigation Bar followed by formerly Aviso Retention, per the following screenshot, along with some additional renaming updates.


These updates are mostly visual, focused on introducing the new descriptive name for the product and reinforcing its home within the Watermark Suite, providing a more consistent experience to institutions using multiple Watermark products.

This document will review all changes and questions that may arise based on the collective Watermark experience. We will also link to additional documents that together, include:

  • All UI changes that are being introduced along with what is NOT changing.
  • Detailed FAQs that answers the most prevalent questions about Aviso's renaming.
  • Downloadable image files for internal use at each institution.
  • Sample email communications that provide guidance on how to share the upcoming changes with your staff, faculty, and students.


Click here for FAQs that include among others, answers to the following questions:

  • Why is Aviso being renamed to Watermark Student Success & Engagement?
  • How was the new name chosen?
  • Are any of the product functions changing? (A quick answer is NO!)
  • What is the roll out plan for the renaming?
  • Do I have to start using the new product name?
  • When do I have to update internal documentation created for Aviso?

Image Files

Click here for links to download the following image (.png) files:

  • Watermark Student Success & Engagement (formerly Aviso Retention) banner
  • Watermark Student Success & Engagement (formerly Aviso Retention) logo
  • Watermark/Aviso tile logo
  • Watermark logo (with and without text)
  • Watermark Student logo
  • Watermark Student (Aviso Student) app store image

Sample Email Communication

Click here to view sample email communication to staff and students.

  • Staff Email Communication
  • Student Email Communication

UI Changes

The following changes are scheduled to be released at the beginning of August, on Friday August 5th.
Click here for more detailed information, including screenshots of these upcoming changes.
  1. Watermark Student Success & Engagement App Bar
    • A new Watermark Student Success & Engagement app bar will display above the primary navigation bar.
    • The logged-in user profile photo and a link to Support will be moved from the primary navigation bar to display on the new Watermark app bar.
    • The logged-in user profile photo dropdown menu will only include individual User Settings.
    • The new Watermark App Bar includes the logo of the Watermark product users are actively working in, the (optional) institutional "color" web logo, a link to the Support knowledge base and the logged-in user menu. These changes are designed to provide consistency and context for users across the Watermark Product Suite, standardizing the path to logging in/out and accessing support resources and additional information about Watermark.
  2. Institutional Web Logo
    • With the addition of the Watermark App Bar above the primary navigation bar, we recommend institutions upload an institutional web logo that is optimized for use on a white background.
    • The current logo becomes the "Mobile Logo" and displays in the Watermark Student mobile app.
  3. Watermark Student Mobile App
    • The mobile app will be renamed from Aviso Student to Watermark Student.
    • The mobile splash screen and the login button will be changed to Watermark themed logos.
  4. Watermark Student Success & Engagement Renaming
    1. The Application Title displayed in Institution Administration will be set to Watermark Student Success & Engagement, and read-only.
    2. Browser Page Titles will be renamed from Aviso Engage or Selected Tab - Aviso Engage to display the Selected Tab - Watermark Student Success & Engagement in Staff Views and display Watermark Student or the Selected Tab - Watermark Student in Student Views.
    3. Email Message Footer line "Delivered by Aviso Engage" displayed at the bottom of email messages and task notification messages will be replaced by "Delivered by Watermark Student Success & Engagement". 
    4. For institutions not using SSO, the Login Screen will be changed from "Welcome to Aviso" to display "Welcome to Watermark Student Success & Engagement". 
    5. On a Student's Home Page, "Steps to Help You Become Successful" will display Watermark Student Success & Engagement instead of Aviso Engage in the Welcome message.
      • This can be only be viewed when logging in as a student to the Student View or by impersonating a user that is only assigned a student role.
    6. System Message Templates that use the Application Title variable will display Watermark Student Success & Engagement. Examples include the Daily Digest, Academic Planning messages etc.
    7. Task Notifications that display messages similar to "Open this task in Aviso Engage" will be replaced by "Open this task in Watermark Student Success & Engagement".

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