The following article describes:
- Where to create/manage pipelines and opportunity sources via Pipelines Administration and Opportunity Sources Administration.
- Where to set permissions for pipelines via Departmental App Administration, Person Types Administration, and Roles Administration.
- Where to view/use pipelines within SS&E via the Pipelines List Page, Pipeline Details Page, Opportunity Details Page, and Person record Pipelines Tab. For example, where permitted users can view pipelines and move opportunities through pipeline stages.
For more information about pipeline definitions, click here.
For more information about how to create pipelines, click here.
For more information about how to use pipelines, click here.
For a quick summary of how to get started and create a new pipeline, click here.
How to Enable Pipelines Features
In order to access pipeline features, these must be enabled from Departmental Apps Administration and Person Type Administration. In order to use and/or view pipeline features, including pipeline administration, permission must be assigned in Roles Administration.
- Security Role settings determine which users can view and/or use Pipeline Features.
- Departmental App settings determine if Pipelines is available to use/view within a specific department app.
- If not enabled within a certain app, it doesn't matter if users do/do not have permissions in Role Administration.
- If enabled, this can only be used if the user has permissions from at least one of their assigned security roles.
- Person Type Settings determine what pipelines features are available/applicable for a specific person type.
- If a pipeline feature is not enabled for a certain person type, then it doesn't matter if users do/do not have permissions to use/view pipelines in Role Administration.
- If enabled, then users must have permissions from at least one of their assigned security roles to use/view the feature.
By design, Opportunity Sources are accessible to all Administrators and can be managed by any user assigned the Administrator role.
Departmental Apps Administration
- From Departmental Apps Administration - Primary Navigation, enable the Pipelines Tab.
- When enabled, this allows access to the Pipelines List Page from the primary navigation bar within a department app.
- Click here to check if Departmental Apps are enabled in Features Administration. If not enabled, then only the default Advise App is currently in use at your instititution. If needed, please reach out to your Client Success Representative to discuss enabling the Departmental Apps feature add-on that is included with Recruitment & Enrollment Activities.
- After clicking on the above link, please replace “yourinstitution” with the name used in the equivalent portion of your institution’s SS&E instance URL. Once replaced, this will open the Features Admin page in your instance of SS&E Administration.
- Click here to check if Departmental Apps are enabled in Features Administration. If not enabled, then only the default Advise App is currently in use at your instititution. If needed, please reach out to your Client Success Representative to discuss enabling the Departmental Apps feature add-on that is included with Recruitment & Enrollment Activities.
- Departmental App Administration also determines which Campaign Types are available within a Department App. This is different than other Pipeline Opportunity bulk actions that are set at the Person Type level.
Person Types Administration
From Person Types Administration, for each applicable person type, enable the following items:
- From Person Type Bulk Action options, enable "Enroll Filter in Pipeline" to allow opportunities to be manually added to a pipeline from a person type filter (three dot) bulk action menu.
- From Person Type Profile options, enable the "Pipeline Tab" to display the Pipelines tab on person records and on opportunity records in Opportunity Details (only if allowed via Role Administration).
- From Person Type Profile options, enable "Profile Enroll in Pipeline" to allow opportunites to be added to a pipeline from a student action menu displayed at the top of a person record.
- From Person Type Search Filter options, enable "Pipelines Filter" to add pipeline criteria to the person type filter. Enabling the Pipelines Filter adds three Pipelines related selection criteria:
- Pipelines
- Stages
- Opportunity is Assigned To
Person Type Administration also determines which tabs display and which actions can be taken on the Pipeline "Entry Person Type".
Security Roles Administration
From People & Roles - Roles Administration:
- Enable permissions for "Can Mange Pipelines" for all roles that are allowed to edit and create pipelines.
- When set to No, Pipelines Administration will not be accessible.
- Set permissions for all roles that are allowed to view the Pipelines Tab on person records.
- For full profile access, enable "Can See Pipelines Tab" from the Profile Tabs (Full Profile View) security settings.
- For limited view "off-caseload" access, enable "Show Pipelines Tab" from the Profile Tabs (Limited Profile View) security settings.
SS&E Administration UI Additions
Pipelines Administration
- Use Pipelines Administration to create and manage all pipelines.
- After clicking on the above link, please replace “yourinstitution” with the name used in the equivalent portion of your institution’s SS&E instance URL. Once replaced, this will open the Pipelines Admin page in your instance of SS&E Administration.
- Pipelines Administration includes the following three tabs:
- Pipeline Details
- Opportunity Details
- Stage Details
Pipeline Details Administration:
By design, each Pipeline is associated with one departmental app and one person type.
- The pipeline will only be available within the configured department App.
- The Entry Person Type defines the person type that is allowed to be entered as an opportunity into this pipeline. If a person type changes on an existing opportunity after they're in the pipeline, the opportunity will remain in the pipeline. The pipeline entry person type also determines what items display for the pipeline opportunities, according to Person Type Administration settings, including valid filters, which tabs and bulk actions are available when viewing a pipeline opportunity.
Note: All roles assigned to "Roles that can manage opportunities" within the specific pipeline MUST also be assigned to "Roles that can view" information about the specific pipeline.
Opportunity Details Administration:
By design, each pipeline may optionally be assigned a manual/automated filter that feeds opportunities into a specific pipeline.
- The manual/automated schedule determines how and when the selected filter is used to add opportunities into the specific pipeline.
- The opportunity source will be associated with the opportunties that are added via the filter.
- At any time the filter/schedule/opportunity source changes this will only apply moving forward.
Stage Details Administration:
Each Pipeline Stage must be associated with a Stage Type. The optional Stage Types are:
- End in failure
- End in success
- None
- In every pipeline, there must be at least one pipeline stage that either ends in success or ends in failure.
- None is a transitory stage. Therefore, each pipeline should start with a stage type of None.
- There may be multiple pipeline stages that end in success and/or end in failure, and this should be considered when designing a pipeline.
- Once a pipeline is active, stages cannot be deleted. However, all of the stage detail values can be changed.
Opportunity Sources Administration
- Use Opportunity Sources Administration to create and manage opportunity sources.
- The opportunity source category is user defined and is used for reporting.
- After clicking on the above link, please replace “yourinstitution” with the name used in the equivalent portion of your institution’s SS&E instance URL. Once replaced, this will open the Opportunity Sources Admin page in your instance of SS&E Administration.
SS&E UI Additions
Pipelines List Page
- Accessed by selecting "Pipelines" from the primary navigation bar, the Pipelines List page displays all pipelines that the logged-in user has access to view and/or manage.
Pipeline Details Page
- The Pipeline Details page is accessed by selecting an individual pipeline from the Pipelines List Page.
- By default, when accessing a pipeline, the pipeline details page opens on the Pipeline tab Card View.
- The Pipeline Details Page includes three tabs:
- Info - Displays administrative information about the pipeline and optional automated pipeline filter details. Can be used to optionally apply a manual one-time opportunity filter refresh.
- Pipeline - Can be viewed in Card View or List View. Displays information about the pipeline stages, opportunities and assignees. Is used to view Pipeline stages and opportunities, move opportunities between pipeline stages, display opportunity status progress bars in the Card View, apply bulk actions to opportunities from the List View via pipeline Actions and more.
- Analytics - Displays built-in analytics that pertains to the individual pipeline.
- To activate an inactive pipeline, this can be done either from Pipelines Administration or the Pipeline Details Page top navigation menu.
- Select "Edit Pipeline" from the top navigation menu to edit the individual pipeline details in Pipelines Administration (Role Permission "Can Manage Pipelines" is required).
Info Tab
The Info tab details include:
- Who started the pipeline.
- Who created the pipeline.
- When the pipeline was created.
- The person type for the pipeline opportunities.
- Which roles can view/edit the pipeline.
- Optional Automated Opportunity Entry filter details. This includes the filter name, filter opportunity source, filter owner, start date, next automated refresh datetime and last manual refresh datetime.
Pipelines Tab
- Select "Switch to List View" to view the Pipeline List View.
- Select "Switch to Card View" to view the Pipeline Card View.
Pipeline Card/List View
Both from the pipeline card view and the pipeline list view, users can:
- Filter on the selected pipeline by the opportunity name, pipeline stage, opportunity source, entry date from/to, and assignee.
- Select an opportunity to view the opportunity details.
- View who is assigned to different opportunities.
- View how many opportunities are currently in each pipeline stage.
- View what stage each opportunity is currently in.
Note: When viewing an individual opportunity, the green line represents the pipeline stage that they are currently in, while a blue line represents a pipeline stage where they have been in the past. A gray line represents a pipeline stage that the opportunity has never been placed in. To close opportunity details, select the x in the top right corner.
Sorting Opportunities
- Opportunities can only be sorted on the Pipeline List view.
- On the Pipeline Card View, the most recent opportunity moved into a stage will appear at the top of the opportunity list on each pipeline stage.
The reason for this is that when dragging and dropping opportunities between stages on the Pipeline Card View, by placing the dragged opportunity at the very top of the opportunity list it is easy to verify that the opportunity "moved" to the correct pipeline stage.
Pipeline List View
From the Pipeline List View, users can sort opportunities and multi-select opportunities to apply bulk actions to the selected pipeline opportunity(s) via the following Pipeline Actions:
- Move the opportunity(s) to a different Pipeline Stage
- Change the opportunity(s) Assignee
- Send a Message
- Assign a Task
- Assign an Action Plan
- Add to a Campaign
- Send a Survey
- Copy Opportunities to a different pipeline
Note: These same actions (with the exception of Campaigns) can also be applied from the Opportunity Details Page after selecting a single opportunity.
Analytics Tab
The Pipeline Analytics tab includes three built-in metrics that measure:
- All Stage Conversion
- Any Stage Conversion
- Stage Duration
Opportunity Details Page
- Accessed by selecting an opportunity from the Pipelines Details Page List View or Card View, the Opportunity Details page displays information about a specific opportunity and the associated person record.
- Pipeline Bulk Actions available from the Pipeline Details List View can be applied from the opportunity details page with the exception of Campaigns and Copy Opportunity.
- In addition, alert and meeting actions can only be applied from an individual Opportunity Details page, as they do not appear in the List View Pipeline Actions.
The Opportunity Details Page Pipeline Tab will display all pipelines where the person is an opportunity, regardless of the departmental app or person type.
Person Record - Pipelines Tab
- The Person Record Pipelines Tab should match what displays on the Opportunity Details Pipelines tab, and will include all pipelines where the person record is listed as an opportunity, regardless of the pipeline's configured departmental app or person type.
Pipeline Filtering
After enabling the Pipelines Filter in Person Type Administration, the following three filter options will appear in the Person Type filter under "Pipelines".
- Pipelines
- Stages
- Opportunities Assigned To
When filtering on pieplines, these three filters are related to each other, eg. they are NOT independent, rather the conditions are combined together.
For example, selecting a Pipeline value and an Assigned To value will find all person records in the selected pipeline with an opportunity assigned to the selected person.