Unified Navigation Dashboard Overview

Welcome to the upgraded look and feel of your Curriculum Strategy dashboard. All of your Curriculum Strategy tools are now accessible via one dashboard.

While the functionality of your existing proposals, catalog editing and review process will remain the same, a few things will look different. 


New Landing Page

This is the biggest change to your system. We hope you find this a helpful starting point for logging in to Curriculum Strategy and launching into the Catalog or Curriculum Management.


Log in and you will be directed to your new landing page. This page has a place for you to add notes to your faculty, link quickly to support and find helpful resources.

You also have the ability to add a logo* to the app bar (next to the question mark that navigates to our Help Guide) as well as add one to the Notes section if desired. If you’d like to add your logo to the app bar, this video and article on uploading/placing logo explain how you can do so.

*Please note that for the best results, your logo should have a height of 40px.

If you are also interested in updating or adding a logo to the Notes section, all admins have access to this section within the Content Editor:


Simply select the Home item, update the Notes section by clicking the Show Editor button to open the Rich Text Editor for this section on the Home dashboard. You must first upload your logo to the Media Library and publish it within that folder before accessing it for placement here.

Based on permissions and the products your institution uses, each user will only see options from the left hand navigation that they have access to. 

Launch into the new catalog workflow dashboard by selecting the CATALOG navigation to check items in progress. If you don’t see this option, don’t worry - only users with catalog workflow access will see this button on the Home dashboard. Access to the familiar catalog editing system is via a button located on the new catalog workflow dashboard.

Select the CURRICULUM MANAGEMENT navigation option to find a dashboard with proposals currently in review as well as links to launch a new curriculum proposal.


Updated Dashboard & Form Links Page

This is now a combined page where you can check in to review an existing proposal in workflow or launch a new curriculum change proposal.


For our Curriculum Management tool, you can now find everything in one place. 

At the top of the page, you’ll find the form links created by your institution. Select a form and it will launch in a new tab.

The dashboard will open with the Curriculum Dashboard option selected. From here you can see the proposals currently in the workflow. Select the My Items dashboard to find proposals awaiting your review or the Archive Proposals dashboard to find proposals that were previously approved.

The columns on the dashboard are still customizable and you can continue to download the spreadsheet right from this page. Make sure to let us know which columns you need to maintain custom columns or naming conventions.


Standard Form Styles

An improved user experience starts with simple form styles that make sense for every institution. These standardized styles allow you to keep up with any enhancements released by Curriculum Management.


We want your proposals to do a lot of things; but the most important thing is that the proposal is easy to understand, fill out and review. 

By creating a standard look, we can incrementally introduce improvements to your user experience and roll out features that enhance the proposal process.

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