When creating a survey, within each survey question type, you will be offered Additional Properties from which to select. See below for a description of these properties and their functionality.
Additional Properties
(Options vary, depending on question type)-
Non-Numeric Option: Examples of the non-numeric options include Not Applicable or N/A, however you can insert any text into this option. This response will not receive a numeric value, so as to not distort any means or standard deviation scores within the reporting. On the survey, the student will see all response options, including the non-numeric option.
Comment Box: This optional Comment Box is directly tied to this single selection question. In response to some single selection questions, you may want the student to follow up with comments. With this option, there will be an open-ended write-in response, directly tied to this single selection question.
Reverse Code Responses: By default, the system will code responses in ascending order: 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ,etc. If you would like the code to be reversed to descending order, you would select this option.
- Required: Select to make question mandatory for respondent to answer prior to submitting survey.
Horizontal: Displays response scale horizontally (By default, response scale is displayed vertically).
- Do not calculate a mean and standard deviation for this question: Select this option if you DO NOT want to calculate mean and standard deviation for this question in reporting.
Enable this question as: This option allows you to select how the question will be presented in the survey.
- Non-Instructor/Non-TA question: This option is best for general course questions not specific to the instructor or teaching assistant. The question will not be repeated if the course has multiple instructors and/or teaching assistants.
Enable as Instructor question (this will repeat question for each Instructor enrolled in a team-taught course): This option is best for questions specifically about the instructor. This question will automatically be repeated for each instructor enrolled in the course with each instructor’s name inserted along with the question. The question will not repeat if the course only has one instructor. This question will be presented even if there is no instructor enrolled in the course.
Enable as Teaching Assistant question (this will repeat question for each teaching assistant enrolled in a course): This option is best for questions specifically about the teaching assistant. This question will automatically be repeated for each teaching assistant enrolled in the course with each teaching assistant’s name inserted along with the question. The question will not repeat if the course only has one teaching assistant. This question will NOT be presented if the course does not have a teaching assistant enrolled.