Adding Outcomes and Rubrics

Before setting up your Assessment Project, you will need to add outcomes and rubrics to the system.

To create or view outcome sets in Outcomes Assessment Projects, select My Organization from the upper right hand corner of your homepage. From the drop-down menu that appears, select Learning Outcomes & Rubrics Library.


To create a new outcome set, click  the "New Outcome Set" icon. 


Next, enter the name of the outcome set and hit Select to connect the set to a level of the institutional hierarchy. 

You will need to create an outcome for each rubric you intend to use as part of this outcome set. After entering your first outcome, select +Another Outcome to add additional outcomes. 


Editing or Deleting Outcome Set
To edit or delete an outcome set, select the three dots to the right side of the set name. The option to Delete Outcome Set will no longer appear once the set is in use in a Project. 


To create a new rubric for your outcomes, click Add Rubric. Name your rubric by entering text into the textbox.

Select a Rubric Format:


Define the Rubric Structure:
• Score Range – Define how many levels you’d like in the rubric.
• Order – Choose either ASC for ascending (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) or DESC for descending (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) order.
• Use the Number of Rows drop down to list how many rows you would like in the rubric. There is
a maximum limit of 25 Rows per rubric.


Finally, select Start Rubric in the top right.

*Note that once you do so, you will be unable to change the number and order of levels.

Once you have selected Start Rubric, you will be able to add criterion, level headers, and performance
descriptors in the Edit Rubric Draft page.


On the Edit Rubric Draft page, you will have access to the following:
• Criterion Name – Add the name of the criterion
• Optional Criterion description – Add the description of the criterion if applicable
• Heading – Enter the header as it pertains to the level
• Performance Descriptor – Add the descriptor for the criterion under each level
• Three Dots – If you would like to move the row down, click the three dots and then click
move down. You can also use these dots to delete a criterion.
• +Add Row – If you’d like to add more rows, click +Add Row


• Save as Draft – Will allow you to come back to the rubric later and continue to add or
subtract rows. If you save a rubric as a draft, you will not be able to use it in a scoring Project.
Only published rubrics can be used in a scoring Project.

After you have completed your rubric, select the Publish Rubric button at the upper right hand corner of
the page. Once you publish the rubric, you cannot unpublish it or make structural changes such as adding
or subtracting rows.

Once you have successfully created outcomes and rubrics, you will be able to apply them as learning
outcomes and evaluation tools in a Project.

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