There are three distinct roles within Outcomes Assessment Projects that a user can be assigned - Assessment Coordinator, Faculty, and/or Evaluator.
An Assessment Coordinator can:
- Create and manage new Projects
- Select the outcomes to be assessed in a Project
- Align rubrics to outcomes
- Create Assignments
- Manage artifacts for scoring
- Run Reports
The Faculty role is intended for individuals who may not be administering their own Projects, but who might be expected to assist in the facilitation of a Project. Thus, while Faculty cannot create their own Projects, they can:
- Create Assignments
- Manage artifacts for scoring
- Run Reports
The Evaluator role grants an individual only the ability to evaluate artifacts which have been submitted for assessment.
It is possible for a user to be assigned multiple roles. This mostly occurs when an Assessment Coordinator or Faculty user will also need to complete evaluations. When completing an account creation template, multiple roles can be listed, as long as they are separated by a semi-colon, such as “Faculty;Evaluator”.