Scoring a Template

Scoring Overview

The scoring feature of SL&L provides the ability to assign a numerical value to a template.  Scoring can be used three unique ways:  

  • Scoring can be a stand-alone component in the content area of a template
  • Scoring can be assigned to other content components of a template
  • Scoring can be assigned to a template as a whole in the assessment panel

The Scores Tab and Primary Score

SL&L provides instructors a way of logging scores from multiple activities within a course.  On the course details screen, the Scores tab allows instructors to view scoring information for any activities in which scoring was included as part of the assessment.  

Scoring information is presented in a table showing students, any activities that have been scored, and a total score for each student across all scored activities.  The Scoring table data may also be exported to a .csv file (Microsoft Excel).

The Scores tab allows the recording of one score per student, per activity. Therefore, it is necessary to designate a scoring component as the Primary Score. Only one scoring component per template may be made the Primary Score.  To designate a scoring component as a Primary Score, check the box next to Primary Score on the component details popup (See below). 

The Stand-alone Scoring Component

The stand-alone scoring component can be used anytime a scoring value needs to be recorded.  It is not tied to any other component.  The stand-alone scoring component is added to the template content area, just as any other component. 

TIP:  Multiple scoring components may be included in a template.

To add a stand-alone scoring component to a template:

     1. From the template creation page, click the Scoring component button.

     2. On the component details popup window, type in a Label for the scoring component.
     3. In the Mode dropdown menu, manual score is the only option.
     4. If this component will be the Primary Score, and so recorded in the course Scores tab, check the box next to Primary Score.
     5. In the Points text field, type in the desired maximum point value.
     6. If completing this scoring component will be optional, check the box next to Optional.  If completing this component is required, leave this check box blank.
     7. In the Instructor dropdown menu, choose the role that will be able to complete this component.

NOTE:  When selecting an instructor, the last option is always customize. This selection allows setting visibility and completion rights by both individual role and activity status.
     8. When finished setting the component details, click the Save button.

The Assessment Panel Scoring Component

A scoring component can be added to the assessment panel. The assessment panel scoring component is similar to the stand-alone scoring component, allowing the input of a numerical scoring value. However, the assessment panel scoring component has one unique feature:  auto score.

Auto Score

Auto score is a feature unique to the assessment panel scoring component. When the auto score option is selected, a numerical value can no longer be typed into the scoring field.  Instead, auto score calculates a score automatically by adding the scores from all other scoring components in a template.

To add a scoring component to the assessment panel:

     1. From the template creation page, click the plus symbol in the assessment panel.
     2. Click Scoring.

     3. On the component details popup window, type in a Label for the scoring component.
     4. In the Mode dropdown menu, select manual score to type in a value. Select auto score to calculate score automatically.
     5. If this component will be the Primary Score, and so recorded in the course Scores tab, check the box next to Primary Score.
     6. In the Points text field, type in the desired maximum point value.

NOTE:  If auto score mode is selected, the points field is greyed out.  By using auto score, the maximum point value is the sum of the point values of all other scoring components in the template.

     7. If completing this scoring component will be optional, check the box next to Optional. If completing this component is required, leave this checkbox blank.
     8. In the Instructor dropdown menu, choose the role that will be able to complete this component.

NOTE:  When selecting an instructor, the last option is always customize. This selection allows setting visibility and completion rights by both individual role and activity status.

     9. When finished setting the component details, click the Save button.


Assigning Scoring to Other Components

Scoring can be assigned to any Input, Reference, or Question component in a template.  For Input and Reference components, a single score can be typed in below the completed component.  For Question components, a score value can be assigned to each provided choice of the component, and the score field will be populated based on the choice selected.

To assign scoring to an Input or Reference component:

     1. From the template creation page, click a component to be added to the template.
     2. On the component details popup window, type in a Label for the component.
     3. Click the checkbox next to Score.
     4. From the dropdown menu, choose the role that will assign a score.
     5. In the Points field, type in the desired maximum point value.
     6. Complete the remaining settings for the component (these will vary depending on the component selected.)
     7. In the Instructor dropdown menu, choose the role that will be able to complete this component.

NOTE:  When selecting an instructor, the last option is always customize. This selection allows setting visibility and completion rights by both individual role and activity status.

     8. When finished setting the component details, click the Save button.


To assign scoring to a Question component:

     1. From the template creation page, click a Question component to be added to the template.
     2. On the component details popup window, type in a Label for the component.
     3. Click the checkbox next to Score.
     4. Type the text of each choice in the option fields.
     5. For each choice, type a point value in the points field.
     6. Complete the remaining settings for the component (These will vary depending on the component selected.)
     7. In the Instructor dropdown menu, choose the role that will be able to complete this component.

NOTE:  When selecting an instructor, the last option is always customize. This selection allows setting visibility and completion rights by both individual role and activity status.

     8. When finished setting the component details, click the Save button.


Bringing it Together

The images below show a completed template that contains each of the three scoring methods:  stand-alone scoring components, regular components with scoring assigned, and an assessment panel scoring component set to auto score.

This first image shows a template submitted as part of the Essay Submission (Scoring Sample) activity. The assessor has yet to enter any scoring values. Note the assessment panel scoring component already shows “10.00.” This is from the multiple-choice question that has 10 points assigned to the “2-4 hours” choice.


This final image shows a template submitted as part of the Essay Submission (Scoring Sample) activity. The assessor has completed all scoring fields. Note that, because it has been set to auto score, the assessment panel scoring component has automatically added the max possible points as well as the assessor assigned scores.


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