Create a New User Profile

1. To access the User Manager once logged into the dashboards, click to Launch the Catalog Editor from the Catalog tab on the left hand side: 


From the Sitecore Launch Pad, click the Desktop option:

Once the Content Editor opens using the Desktop Interface, click the button in the lower left hand corner to access the Security Tools and select User Manager or under the “Security” tab at the top of the content editor:


Alternatively, the User manager can be opened by clicking the Security tab and selecting "User Manager":


2. Once the User Manager has opened, click the “New” button in the upper left hand corner.

3. When the “New User” window is open, fill in the fields indicated below. (User Name, Full Name, Email, Password, Confirm Password)

     a. Username: cannot be longer than 40 characters. Please note, that when setting up a new user who will be logging in via the SSO/Navigator, the username required for the new user set up needs to be identical to the username they will be using to log into the SSO.
     b. Password: This is required for the user set up, but is not going to be the user's password if you are logging in via SSO. This password is only used if the users are logging directly into Sitecore and not being redirected to an institution login page.  This password for user set up needs to be at least 8 characters and include at least one special character. (ex. domain** or smart***)

(It will be obvious if your institution is using Sitecore login and this password is needed as the Login request will be "Please login with your Sitecore credentials." instead of a institution branded page.)

Setting up a new user within the catalog system will always require a password within the "Create a New User" window.  This password does not relate to the SSO credentials in any way and can be a default password of your choosing.  We normally use the institution domain name with an asterisk(s). Again, this password must be at least 8 characters and include one special character.

4. Once these fields are filled in, click “Edit” to assign permissions to this user for specific parts of the catalog or the entire catalog. The permissions are in the form of workflow and access roles that assign a specific workflow and grant access to specific parts of the catalog.

Please contact support if you have further questions.


5. Clicking the Edit button to the right of the Roles window launches a window for selecting the roles you need to assign to the new user profile. 

Please note: roles that appear in <carrots> are inherited by assigned roles, they are not assigned to the user profile.

If you are creating a new user profile for a user that will be a catalog/curriculum administrator, the only role required is the "schooldomain\admin" role, and this will grant them access to everything needed.

If the new user is to be an editor, reviewer or approver of catalog items, the profile will require one “workflow” role to access a catalog workbox, and at least one “access” role to access specific parts of the catalog they will need access to.

Only one catalog workflow role is assigned, but as many access roles as needed can be assigned to the user profile to access sections/items of the catalog. These access roles are the sections/items of the catalog they will be able to edit, review or approve.

NEVER assign securities of catalog items directly to a user profile. This can create errors and interfere with access.

ALWAYS assign roles to user profiles to provide users with access to the items they need to edit/review. Create new roles when necessary.

If you believe there is an access error, please reach out to support so we can assist in troubleshooting or explaining.

ALSO, remember that when items are promoted outside of a users workbox state, they will temporarily lose access to that item until it is fully approved or returned back to their workflow state or below. This is because general users do not have access to workflow states above their assigned workflow role.

If the user is to be only a Curriculum Management user, you can assign them a "cm user role" that we have set up for you.

"cm user roles" are roles that have been created to contain the access and workflow needed as told by the label. For example, if the user role is labeled "cm user role dean dept english" - the role would provide the user access to approve proposals in the Dean workflow state for the English Department. This is one non-specific example and every school has unique workflow states as well as departments that make up the "cm user role" labels. The labels of these roles are used to determine exactly what the role is granting access for.

If your institution does not have "cm user roles" implemented - you need to assign the user profile the "cm workflow" role labeled with the workflow the user will be approving at and also assign them the "access cm" role of the department they are approving for. If you have Curriculum Management, all users need to have the "cm basic user" role except for admins.

If your institution does not have "cm user roles" and you are interested in having these implemented to simplify assigning user profiles with the correct access, please contact support.

7. Once you have assigned the new user the appropriate roles, click “OK”. Roles will not be assigned unless this is done.

8. The “New User” window Roles field will then be populated with the roles you have just assigned and you can click “Next”. (All roles within <carrots> are roles that have been inherited by roles that were assigned to the profile. These roles within <carrots> are not assigned individually) 

9. The window will change to communicate that you have successfully created the new user. Click “Close”.

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