Note: Although this Quick Guide will refer to Assignments, all steps also apply to Projects. Also, please avoid using Tk20 in multiple tabs and have it open only in one tab/browser at a time. Also, refrain from using the back button, as this may cause your session to time out and your work may not be saved. To have the best experience and ensure that your data is safely stored, please use only one tab when accessing Tk20.
Getting Started
When a student submits their coursework, the assignment locks and is in a view-only mode. To make any changes to the assignment (i.e. remove a file, add an additional file), the student must “recall” the assignment. If the assessor has already started filling out the assessment tool, the student will not be able to “recall” their work to make edits. The student will receive an error message when he or she attempts to recall the assignment: “You can only recall an item that has been submitted and not yet assessed.”
If the student needs to make changes to a “locked” assignment, the assessor must grant an extension. This tutorial describes two possible ways to grant an extension when, as the assessor:
- I have already started my evaluation for this student, but I have not yet submitted the evaluation.
- I have already submitted my evaluation of this student’s work.
Assessor has not Submitted the Evaluation
- Navigate to your Coursework link within your Learning Management System (e.g., Blackboard, Canvas, D2L, Sakai, Moodle).
- From the list of students, click
in the Actions column for the student who needs granted an extension.
- Enter a new due date and time, then click Grant Extension.
Granting an Extension to a Student
- The status column for this student should now display “Open for Editing Extended“.
- Tk20 does not automatically notify students of this status change, so please notify the student that his or her assignment is now open for editing.
Assessor has Submitted the Evaluation
- Navigate to your Coursework link within your Learning Management System (e.g., Blackboard, Canvas, D2L, Sakai, Moodle).
- From the list of students, click on the student who needs granted an extension.
- The student’s assignment will open in a split screen displaying the assessment tool on the right side of your screen. Scroll to the bottom and click Revoke Assessment.
- The page will reload allowing you to make changes. Click the Extension tab located at the top of the page.
- Click Grant Extention.
- Enter a new due date and time as well as a comment, then click Grant Extension.
- Click Close to return to your list of students.
Granting an Extension
- The status column for this student should now display “Open for Editing Extended“.
- Tk20 does not automatically notify students of this status change, so please notify the student that his or her assignment is now open for editing.