Importing Accounts in TSDE

About Account Creation through Import

TSDE (Taskstream Data Exchange) allows you to create prepaid accounts in bulk via a spreadsheet upload for students and faculty within your organization. If your institution chooses to purchase student accounts, Taskstream will create specific TSDE key codes that are provided for a specified time period for a specific number of users based on the number of subscriptions purchased in advance.


Preparing the .csv File

Before you get started, prepare a .CSV file with the information needed to create faculty or student accounts. The .CSV should include the following information for each account you will create:

  • ID Number
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • User Name


Accessing System Administrator and TSDE

To begin, open the System Administrator page.



Enter your System Administrator login credentials and click Login. These credentials are different from your Taskstream login credentials. You can verify your credentials by contacting our Support Team by clicking Submit A Request (subject: System Admin login).




In the System Administrator menu, click TS DataExchange.



Creating (Importing) Taskstream accounts in TSDE

From the TS DataExchange menu, click Create & view Taskstream accounts.



Locate the key code with which to create new accounts. Please note that faculty accounts and students accounts will need to be created separately. Click Import New Subscribers to add accounts to a key code.



Click Choose File and select the .csv with needed account information.



After selecting the .csv file, click Continue.




Make sure the default table fields are appropriately mapped the fields you included in your .csv, then click Continue.



Your .csv will process and render a result. The result page will show you how many accounts can be successfully created, and will provide an error report. If you wish to create the eligible accounts, choose if the account holders should be notified via email, then click Create Accounts.




The accounts will be created and, if selected, notifications will be sent. The Import Results page will allow you to send Welcome Emails, View Detailed Results or Download Original File. When finished, you can Return to Main Menu or close System Administrator.

For information about Welcome Emails, including sending the emails at a later time or not at all, see: 

Sending Welcome Emails Using TSDE


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