Submitting Tasks

If you receive validation errors when attempting to Submit and/or send your work to Pearson, refer to the edTPA Student Handbook's Evidence Chart. The evidence chart is crucial to consult for information regarding the acceptable files types, the specific number of files required for each task, etc.
Note: Each edTPA subject has its own specific handbook, and each corresponding Evidence Chart contains different requirements.
Example of information in an Evidence Chart:
Example of errors below:
This means that more files need to be attached to the tasks listed.
All edTPA submission requirements have a minimum and maximum number of files that can be included in them.
To the access Evidence Chart from your specific subject's edTPA handbook:
1. Click the name of your edTPA program from your Taskstream home page.
2. Click the name of your edTPA's subject matter in the structure tree on the left-hand side of the screen. Then, click the edTPA Documents link in the center of the page and enter the password.
3. Click the subject name again on the left.
4. Click to download the subject's Handbook.
5. Open the handbook and do the keyboard shortcut for "find" Ctrl + F (or Cmnd + F) and search for "Evidence Chart."