Screen Specific Reports

Teaching and Expertise Reports

Access to this product feature is dependent on your institution's Watermark agreement
Base | Faculty Accomplishments | Reviews, Promotion and Tenure | Web Profiles

Academic Degrees Earned

Security Roles: Department, College and University 
This report displays all Education records per faculty within a specific date range, organized by department. 

Scheduled Teaching by Faculty

Security Roles: Department, College and University 
This report displays a table of Scheduled Teaching records organized by term within a specific date range. Results within a term include Course Prefix, Course Number, Title, Section, Credit Hours, Enrollment and Instructor and are organized by Course Prefix, displayed in ascending order according to Course Number.

Research, Scholarship, and Service Reports

Access to this product feature is dependent on your institution's Watermark agreement
Base | Faculty Accomplishments | Reviews, Promotion and Tenure | Web Profiles

Awards and Honors

Security Roles: Department, College and University 
This report displays all Awards and Honors records per faculty within a specific date range, organized by department.

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research by Faculty

Security Roles: Department, College and University 
This report displays all Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research records within a specific date range, as well as each records current status. Results are also organized by department. 

Creative Works by Faculty

Security Roles: Department, College and University 
This report displays all records from Artistic and Professional Performances and Exhibits within a specific date range, as well as the type of work completed. Results are also organized by department.

Editorial and Review Activities by Faculty

Security Roles: Department, College and University 
This report displays all Professional Service records with a Position/Role of "Editor" by faculty within a given date range. Results are organized by department. 

General Service by Faculty

Security Roles: Department, College and University 
This report pulls all service records, organized by Department, College, University, Professional and Public services by faculty within a given date range. Results are organized by department.

Intellectual Contributions by Faculty

Security Roles: Department, College and University 
This report displays Intellectual Contribution records per faculty within a specific date range, organized by department. Results include contribution type and the current status of the contribution. 

Presentations by Faculty

Security Roles: Department, College and University 
This report displays all Presentation records per faculty within a specific date range, organized by department.  

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