Setting up the Brightspace (D2L) integration will require:
- Creating a new Role in D2L
- Assigning the newly created Role to a new or existing D2L Administrator account (we recommend a standalone Administrator account that is used specifically for this purpose)
- Registering Planning & Self Study as an App in D2L
- A Planning & Self Study Administrator activates the D2L integration within Planning & Self Study
- Authorizing the integration within Planning & Self Study, using the credentials of the D2L Administrator account that is aligned with the newly created Role.
Creating a New Role
In Brightspace, a new role must be created. After creating the role, the permissions below must be assigned in order for the integration to function seamlessly.
1. Under Security, click Roles and Permissions.
2. Click Create and Start Fresh.
3. Provide a name for the role
4. Enable the cascading role option
5. Under tool behavior options > select - Can register for a course
6. Under Class list options > Display users enrolled as this role in Classlist
7. Under Course Access options > select
- Access inactive courses
- Access past courses
- Access future courses
8. Save and proceed with selecting the permissions and org types for this role.
- Assignments > See and Submit Files to Assignment Submission Folders
- Assignments > See and Manage Assignment Submission Folders
- Assignments > View Submitted Files
- Discussions > View Discussions
- Discussions > Access Hidden Forums and Topics
- Discussions > Manage Discussions
- Class list > Has Access to the Class list
Org unit types to be selected along with the permissions:
- Organization
- Course Template
- Course Offering
- Section
- Department
Once the above org units and permissions are assigned for a role, a new user should be created for the integration setup and this new user should be given the new role with the limited minimum permissions selected above.
9. Click on Edit Role Interactions and select the following options:
- Select administrator for all org unit types for all of the listed options below:
- Search for Role Name
- Enroll for Role Name
- Role Switch for Role Name
- See External Email Addresses for Role Name
- See Parent/Guardian Child Relationship for Role Name
10. Create a New User from admin tools > Users > New User
11. Select the role created with limited permissions selected above, and set up Username and Password for the new user.
Registering Planning & Self Study as an App within D2L
1. From a D2L Admin Account - Click on Manage Extensibility in admin tools in D2L.
2. In the OAuth 2.0, click on Register an App.
3. Copy the following details from the Planning and Self-study admin page and paste them into D2L:
- Application Name
- Redirect URI
- Scope
The URI and Scope can be copied from the Planning and Self study Admin page and pasted into the scope field in D2L.
*The screenshot below displays the information entered in P&SS.
4. Now in D2L, find the application that was just created in the list and click on it. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret into the P&SS fields.
Activate Integration
The Planning & Self-Study system administrator or administrator must first activate the integration to establish the connection with your institution's instance of D2L. Please note that you will need access to specific organizations in D2L to activate this integration.
- In Planning & Self-Study, go to Admin > Integrations > Other Integrations. Click “Connect to D2L Brightspace.Click on ‘CONNECT TO D2L BRIGHTSPACE’
- Follow the steps as indicated to establish the connection. If you do not have administrative access to Client ID, please reach out to someone who does for assistance.
- Once you provide the requested details from D2L, click "Authorize D2L Brightspace.” In the new browser window, enter your D2L credentials, and click “Authorize” to activate the integration.
Enter your D2L credentials, and click “Authorize” to activate the integration.
Successfully-activated Integration