Course Evaluations & Surveys Release Notes for May 29, 2024

New Feature: Shared Project Administration

Project Administrators will now be able to share their projects with other Project Administrators.


This option must first be enabled by a CES Administrator by navigating to Account > Permissions




Once this is enabled, a Project Administrator who creates a project will have the option to share administration with other Project Admins in one or many of the hierarchy levels they can access.

They can do so by using the following steps:

  1. Go to Project > Properties tab.
  2. There is a new option added “Project Management Access”
  3. Enable “Share Access to this Project.”
  4. Choose the hierarchy level of the Admin with whom the project needs to be shared.
  5. Click Save.



Updated Feature: More Secure Password Requirements when Creating a User Manually

There is now a list of password requirements when creating a user manually in the user interface.  NOTE: This applies to new users being created manually.  Existing users will not be forced to change their password. 

Below is the list of requirements:

  • Minimum Length: at least 12 characters.
  • Mixed Case: a mix of upper and lowercase letters, to increase complexity.
    Numbers: at least one number.
  • Special Characters: at least one special character, such as `!`, `,`, `@`, `#`, `$, `, or `%`.
  • Password Topology: cannot use commonly-used weak passwords, such as “password1”, “winter2022”, or passwords with the user’s name, account name, or company name in them.

If a password does not follow these rules, an error message will appear when attempting to save:


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