How does SS&E determine which terms will display on an academic plan?
The Academic Plan page will display:
- Terms that are active (see definition explained below)
- Terms that are associated with one or more course group
- Terms that are associated with one or more course section
- Terms that have an academic plan status of "Off Plan"
This will prevent inactive terms and terms that are not associated with any classes from displaying on the UI.
What is the definition of an active term?
A term is active when:
- The "Registration End Date Used For Determining Plan Term Active" set in Institution Administration is set to True AND the term's registrationEndDate (as seen in the Academic Calendar data extract downloaded from Datafeed Administration) is in the future (aka after "now").
- The "Registration End Date Used For Determining Plan Term Active" set in Institution Administration is set to False AND the endDate of the Academic Calendar term seen in the Academic Calendar Imported Data View is in the future (aka after "now").
- The term does not have a registrationEndDate in the Academic Calendar data extract (downloaded from Datafeed Administration) AND the endDate of the Academic Calendar term seen in the Academic Calendar Imported Data View is in the future (aka after "now").