Student Success & Engagement Automated Academic Plans Template Setup Guide


Academic planning provides a student, and their advisor, with a means to collaborate regarding a curriculum path a student should follow.

To learn more about the purpose of Academic Planning, check out the article An Introduction to Academic Planning.

Academic Plan Automatic Template Generation

When enabled, the SS&E software will automatically pull information about the degree programs currently active at your institution.

Based on that information, each degree program will have an associated Academic Plan Template. Each time a new degree program is detected, a new Academic Plan Template will be created and associated with that degree program. If the SS&E software detects that it has not seen a degree program for the degree/program/term combination previously, the Academic Plan Template that is created will be blank

If SS&E detects that the degree/program combination has been imported before, it will copy the most recently used Academic Plan Template for that degree/program/term as the template for the degree program. This helps you get started defining your Academic Plan Templates, and also can save enormous amounts of time in each subsequent term.

Note: It may take up to 24 hours for an Academic Plan Template to be created for a given degree program.

Configure Grades

In order to leverage the minimum grade requirement for a given course, you first need to configure Grades in the Academic Planning grade table

As an administrator, click on your profile image to open the application menu, then click Administration, Navigate to Academic Planning, then select Grades. Add the grades as they are configured in your SIS.

In order for the system to function correctly, the Grade, the Passing checkbox, and the Rank are very important to configure correctly. The Grade field is how SS&E determines what grade a student received for a course, so this value must match the value from the SIS exactly. The Rank determines how the grade compares to other grades. For example, if using a standard A-F scale for grades, A would need a Rank of 1, B would be 2, and so on. The lower the Rank, the better the grade. If a grade should be considered a passing grade, then make sure the Passing checkbox is checked.

Best Practice: Periodically confirm grade, rank, pass/ not passing requirements agree with your SIS data


Additional Grade Table settings

Visible for Planning

If this value is set to Yes, then this grade value will be shown on the academic plan template building screen as an option for a minimum course grade.

Default for Plan Template

A grade set to Yes for this field will be used as the default minimum grade when adding a course to an academic plan template. There should only be one grade set as the default.


When the ‘Enable Academic Plan Template Generation’ configuration is enabled in Admin -> Academic Planning -> Academic Planning Configuration, the system will create Academic Plan Templates for all Degree Programs in current and future terms that don’t already have an Academic Plan Template.


To create academic plan templates manually, the configuration Enable Academic Plan Template Generation must be unchecked; these plans can be created in Admin -> Academic Planning -> Academic Plan Templates -> New.




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