Reviewing Applications

Application Review

Administrators can start reviewing applications submitted by the students. On clicking the application’s name, they are taken to the review screen where they can see the names of the students who have submitted the application, under the Student Submissions heading.

They can see the application details under the Application Details card. They can either click the Start Reviewing button or click the student’s link to review a student’s application submission.




The right side of the screen displays the application submitted by the student.

For the Accept button reviewers will see two options- ‘Accept Now’ or “Conditionally Accept”. They can choose the option of their choice (the selection can be updated later using the Change Status option).

Reviewers can also upload documents for internal reference that can be downloaded by any administrator or faculty member with access to review the application. They can upload a maximum of 5 attachments with a maximum file size of 100 MB per attachment.




They can also use the ‘Change Status’ link to update the status for the student application. The status changes will be tracked and displayed for reference.







Ability To Review Application Through Licensure Plan

Administrators will be able to review the applications through Licensure Plan. They can do so by clicking the program card in Gateways side menu. Click the cohort sub tab and then the cohort card.




They can review the students by directly clicking the student name under Students card on the Cohort Overview page. They can also click the application link in left side panel. Clicking the application link will navigate the user to the application details page.




They can start reviewing the student by clicking the Start Reviewing button. Reviewer can choose to accept the application or can ask the student for re-submission by clicking “Conditionally Accept” or “Denied” status accordingly.





Note: The statuses for an application will be similar to the status for a requirement when the particular application is part of a Licensure plan.

The student users will get a resubmit button for the particular application and they can choose to resubmit the application either from their Licensure Plan or from the program admission side menu.





Application accessed from Licensure Plan


The student users will get a Resubmit button on the application card in program admission side menu so that they need not to click the application for resubmission. They can directly click the resubmit button from within the card and resubmit the application. Clicking the button will navigate the student user to the aforementioned screen.




Once the reviewer accepts the application for the student user, the student user will get a button to view the entire Licensure Plan from within the program admission side menu as well.




Clicking the “View Licensure Plan” button will navigate the student user to the same view, they get on accessing the application from their Licensure Plan in the Gateways side menu.




Students will also see the fifth status in the bar chart for their Licensure Plan if the Licensure Plan contains an application.




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