Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for May 9, 2023

Padding for Self-Study

By switching on the PDF view Toggle, users will be able to see how the PDF will appear before actually exporting it. Previously, they would have to export the file and then examine if the layout and placement of the tables and data are correct; if there are any discrepancies, they would have to return to the editor and make changes there.


Administrators and Contributors can now enable the the self study toggle for PDF margins from the customize template area for any particular self study.



When the toggle is enabled, the layout of the Narrative editor will be changed to match the layout of the PDF page. Also, the user will be able to see how the data entered in the editor will be exported as PDF, additionally lets users to examine tables that have been expanded beyond the white area of the editor if there are more columns, by this the user would be aware that the exported pdf file will have a distorted picture of the tables or any data that has crossed the white area of the Froala editor.



This function will avoid any data distortion in PDF exports, and the user can take precautionary measures to prevent these data distortions in the export.


Note: This will not affect any PDF/Word export, HTML website and Offline Website, it is to verify if the data added into narrative will be distorted after exporting.


Revise Outcome within Assessment Plan

We will be enabling the Plan Administrators/Contributors to be able to revise an outcome within the assessment plan. The revision can be created for a particular reporting year. Users will have the ability to create an outcome revision for the current and future reporting years. This ability will not be available in the past reporting year plans.




Edit Revision

Plan administrators/contributors will have the ability to edit the future reporting year outcome versions. Any change made to the future versions will be reflected in all the assessment plans where that particular outcome is being assessed.


Any changes made to an outcome revision from within the assessment plan will be reflected in the organization profile to which this outcome belongs.


Restore Outcome Version

The plan administrator/contributor can restore a past reporting year version to a current or future reporting year assessment plan. Upon restoring an outcome revision in an assessment plan, this restored version would become the current version for the reporting period to which this assessment plan belongs.

We can only restore the past reporting year outcome versions.


View Outcome History

The plan administrator/contributor can now view the outcome history within the assessment plan. The outcome history will only be available for those outcomes that have at least one version. All the versions including future, current, and past would be listed.

Note: You can not revise an outcome in a previously closed plan. 


Defining Scope in an Assessment Plan


The new workflow will allow the plan administrators to filter the organization hierarchy on the basis of an organization type. Earlier they have to manually click on each individual Program one at a time to enroll them correctly, which was a tedious and time-consuming workflow.


A Show drop-down will be available to the plan administrators when defining the plan scope. It will have the option to view All Organizations, Selected Only, and a particular organization type.


Plan administrators can select the option All Organization if they would like to view the whole hierarchy.



Plan administrators can select the option Selected Only if they would like to view only the selected organizations.



Under the case, the plan administrators would like to only a particular type of organization in the hierarchy then they can select the type in the Show drop-down. The types listed as options in the drop-down would depend upon the organizations in the hierarchy. If there happens to be a program type of organization in the hierarchy then an option Program Only would appear in the drop-down.



The Autoselect Children toggle will get locked if the plan administrator is viewing organizations other than All.


Define Reporting Period

The plan administrators will now be able to view all the academic-type reporting periods in a single list. The reporting year along with its date range would be available.



Add New Reporting Year

The plan administrators will now have the ability to create a new academic reporting year while publishing an assessment plan so that they don’t have to go to configuration settings to create one.





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