Courses & Assignments

  • LiveText Student FAQs

    Login How do I reset my LiveText password?   Account Questions How do I purchase/register a LiveText account? How do I renew my LiveText account? How do I transfer my LiveText account to a different school? How do I change my name in LiveText? If you need to change your name in LiveText please submit a request to the Watermark support team   Assignments How do I submit...

  • Student Dashboard - Submitting assignments in LiveText (Video)

  • Where is my assignment in LiveText?

      In LiveText, an "assignment" is posted on the Dashboard and represents a task that your instructor has asked you to complete.  The assignment is posted for a specific course that you are enrolled in on LiveText.  To view your assignments, follow these steps: 1. Click the Dashboard tab. 2. Using the Term drop down box select the appropriate term. 3. Using the Courses d...

  • Submitting a Course Assignment

        Submission Status Indicators Begin Assignment This indicates that the assignment has not been started yet. To view the assignment information and submit files or documents, click the Begin Assignment button. The due date is displayed above the Begin Assignment button. Resubmit Assignment This indicates that the instructor has requested a resubmission be comple...

  • Viewing feedback from an instructor on the work you've submitted for an assignment

    To view feedback from an instructor on the work you've submitted for an assignment, follow these steps: 1. Click the Dashboard tab. 2. Under Assignments, locate the course code for the course. 3. Locate the title of the assignment. 4. Click the green View Assessment button. 5. Under Rubrics, click the View Rubric Scores button if it is present.  If this button is not pr...

  • Video Assessment for Students Guide

    Video Assessment Overview LiveText Video Assessment is a tool designed for the easy submission and assessment of streaming video artifacts within LiveText. Video Assessment allows students to submit streaming videos to an assignment, just like any other artifact. Students can embed comments in the video and those comments will be visible to the assessor during the asses...