The analytics configuration screen permits the ability to configure how risk indicators are shown to end users, based upon role.
Enable Data Export
Whether data is provided from SS&E to the data warehouse.
Enable Data Import
Whether data is imported from the data warehouse to SS&E. This includes risk score information.
Person Scoring Strategy
Depending on the ...
The success and risk reasons are provided from the predictive models to SS&E. They identify reasons why a student may be at risk, or may be successful, in a course or with term-to-term persistence. The default reasons are provided by the predictive model, but they can be overridden with alternative text or can be turned off.
Src System Id
The unique identifi...
Risk levels are the bands of risk used by SS&E. Typically these include low (green), medium (yellow) and high (red) risk as the three identifiable risk levels.
When data is imported from the data warehouse, errors may occur. This screen permits debugging of records that could not be imported. The import errors are cleared with each analytics import run.