The Course Evaluations & Surveys FTP data import feature allows you to FTP files of course information and corresponding student, instructor, and teaching assistant enrollments directly to Course Evaluations & Surveys, which can then be used to search and select for inclusion in desired projects. Additionally, the Enrollment Refresh feature can be used to automate the update of student, instructor, and teaching assistant enrollments into courses that have been already imported into a project.
FTP File
- Format: Required file format is Comma Delimited, with CSV file extension (.csv)
- File Name: Name the file CESCourseUsers-mmddyyyyhhmm.csv, where MMDDYYYYHHMM is a date/time identifier to further identify the file.
- Header Row: The file must contain a header row which includes the field names described below, separated by commas.
FTP File
- NodePath: Where course resides in the Account Hierarchy (e.g., mycollege.department.program). This is an optional field, the same result can be achieved by using the Hierarchy Mapper feature to train the system to automate the course - department pairings.*
- Code: The course code as displayed to users (Maximum 512 characters).
- Title: The course title (Maximum 1024 characters).
- UniqueID: The unique identifier for the course (Maximum 32 characters, and this field needs to be unique over time and project).
- SurveyStart: The defined start date for Survey Access for this course.*
- SurveyEnd: The defined end date for Survey Access for this course.*
- AdminStart: The defined start date for administrator reporting access for this course.*
- AdminEnd: The defined end date for administrator reporting for this course.*
- InstructorStart: The defined start date for instructor reporting access for this course.*
- InstructorEnd: The defined end date for instructor reporting access for this course.*
- TAStart: The defined start date for teaching assistant reporting access for this course.*
- TAEnd: The defined end date for teaching assistant reporting access for this course.*
- UserTypeId: The code for user type, Instructor Code = 3, Students = 4 and Teaching Assistants = 6.
- FirstName: The user’s first name (Maximum 128 characters).
- LastName: The user’s last name (Maximum 128 characters).
- Email: The user’s email address (Maximum 256 characters).
- Username: The user’s Course Evaluations & Surveys username. (Maximum 60 characters).
- Password: The user’s Course Evaluations & Surveys password (Maximum 16 characters).*
Basic FTP File
- Add File Header row.
- Code, Title, UniqueId, UserTypeId, Firstname, Lastname, Email, Username.
- Each additional row in file indicates either a student, instructor or teaching assistant enrollment into a course following the fields indicated in the Header.
FTP File with Optional Fields
- Add File Header row.
- Code, Title, UniqueId, SurveyStart, SurveyEnd, AdminStart, AdminEnd, InstructorStart, InstructorEnd, TAStart, TAEnd, UserTypeId, Firstname, Lastname, Email, Username, Password.
- Each additional row in file indicates either a student, instructor or teaching assistant enrollment into a course following the fields indicated in the Header.
Selecting Courses, Students, Instructors and Teaching Assistants for a Project
- Within the Courses Tab of a Project select FTP Data Import.
- Using the Search feature in Step 1, Search/Filter the list of desired Courses to be added.
- Select desired Courses.
- Select Import Data, and Course information along with corresponding Student, Instructor and Teaching Assistant enrollments will be added to your project.
Updating Enrollments via FTP
- To update a course’s enrollments FTP a new file which contains the current/updated enrollments for a course. This will OVERWRITE the previous enrollments for the course and adjust to the latest course enrollments in the FTP file. So, if a course unique id is included in a FTP file then it should include ALL enrollments in that course.
- Include any and all enrollments in the course
- Exclude any enrollments dropped from the course
- Within the Users tab of a Project select FTP Student Enrollment Refresh, then schedule the date/time and frequency you wish to have the student enrollments refreshed for courses in the project. This step is required in addition to the above mentioned FTP step in order to update add/drop enrollments within a project.