Organize Reviews

Basic structure (Inbox, Sent, Trash, All, Manage My Labels)

LiveText users are able to review, add comments, assess with rubrics, search, and organize web-based document submissions. Users are also able to view the status of submissions that are sent or received for review. In C1, users can access these features from within the Reviews tab.

The Reviews tab contains system Labels and customized Labels. Inbox, Sent, Drafts, All, and Trash are permanent Labels that automatically store document submissions that are sent or received for review. Users can create custom Labels for further organization and management of document submissions.

Inbox - Contains submissions received for review in the account.
Sent - Contains submissions sent for review and/or reviewed in the account.
Drafts - Contains submissions the reviewer has started to review and/or assess but has not submitted back to the reviewee or assessee.
All - Contains all submissions for review or reviewed in any custom or system Label (e.g. Inbox, Sent, Drafts, All) except the Trash.
Trash - Contains deleted submissions.
Manage My Labels - Contains options for creating, ordering, hiding, unhiding, editing, and deleting custom Labels.


Sort Reviews Documents

By default, LiveText document submissions are listed descending by the date received. All LiveText document submissions can be sorted (ascending or descending) by Title, From, To, Submitted date, and Received date, depending on the Label.

  1. From within the Reviews tab, click the system or custom Label.
  2. Click the field name (e.g. Title, From, To, Submitted, Reviewed).
  3. The document submissions associated with that Label will sort by the field name selected.

Delete Review Document(s)

  1. From within the Reviews tab, click the Label (e.g. Inbox, Sent) where the document submission(s) is located.
  2. Select the checkbox to the left of each document submission to be deleted.
  3. Click the Delete button.

Deleted document submissions cannot be restored.

Restore Deleted Review Documents

  1. Within the Reviews tab, click the Trash tab.
  2. Select the checkbox to the left of each document submission to be restored.
  3. Click the Restore button located on the left side within the Reviews: Trash area.
  4. The selected document submission(s) will be moved from the Trash Label to the original Label(s) (e.g. Inbox) with which the document submission(s) was associated.

Search for a Review Document

LiveText users can search for document submissions by Title, Description, or From/To within a specific system or custom Label, or within the All Label. The All Label will display document submissions associated with all system or custom Labels, except the Trash Label.

  1. From within the Reviews tab, click the title of the system or custom Label (e.g. Inbox, Sent) to be searched.
  2. Enter the search criteria (e.g. Title) in the search text box located in the top right of the Label area.
  3. Click the Search button.
  4. Document submissions that match the search criteria will be displayed. If no matches are found, the system will display a "Currently, there are no documents on this page" message.


Click the All Label to search for document submissions associated with any Label.

Click the down arrow located to the right of the Search button to further define search options.


My Labels

LiveText users can create custom Labels for organization and management of LiveText document submissions. The Manage My Labels tab contains options for creating, ordering, hiding, unhiding, editing, and deleting custom Labels.

Once custom Labels have been created, users may apply, change, or remove Labels from one or multiple document submissions.

Create a Label

  1. From within the Reviews tab, click the Manage My Labels tab.
  2. Click the New... button.
  3. Select Label... from the New... dropdown menu.
  4. Enter a title and an optional description.
  5. Click the Save button located in the lower right corner of the Create a Plain Label screen.

Labels created in the Reviews area will also be displayed in the Documents area. However, these Labels are independent from each other. For example, document submissions in the Reviews: Inbox that have a Label applied will not have the Label applied in the Documents area. Documents and Reviews must be applied to Labels separately.

Best Practice:

Develop a consistent naming convention for custom Labels (e.g. course numbers or dates) to enhance identification and organization of document submissions.

Apply Label(s) on a Document

The Apply Label command provides users with the option to apply document submission(s) in more than one Label. For example, an account may contain several document submissions that were reviewed in the Spring 2018 semester for a variety of courses. The user can cross-categorize the document submission in a Label titled Spring 2018, as well as in other Labels that are titled by course or assignment type.

  1. From within the Reviews tab, click the Label (e.g. Inbox, Sent) where the document submission(s) is located.
  2. Select the checkbox to the left of each document submission that a new Label will be applied to.
  3. Click the Apply Label button.
  4. Select an existing or create a new Label from the Apply Label dropdown menu.
  5. The document submission(s) selected will be applied to the Label, and will also remain associated with the original Label.

Move Review(s) Between Labels

The Change Label command will apply a new Label to the document submission and remove the current Label from the document submission.

  1. From within the Reviews tab, click the Label (e.g. Inbox, Sent) where the document submission(s) is located.
  2. Select the checkbox to the left of each document submission that a new Label will be applied to.
  3. Click the Change Label button.
  4. Select an existing or create a new Label from the Change Label dropdown menu.
  5. The document submission(s) selected will be applied to the Label, and will be removed from the original Label.

Remove Label from a Review Document

The Remove Label command removes a Label from a document submission. Removing a Label from a document submission does not delete the document.

  1. From within the Reviews tab, click the Label (e.g. Inbox, Sent) where the document submission(s) is located.
  2. Select the checkbox to the left of each document submission that the Label should be removed from.
  3. Click the Remove Label button.
  4. The document submission(s) selected will be removed from the Label.

All LiveText document submissions that are not labeled as Trash are accessible from the All Label. Document submissions cannot be removed from the All Label unless they are deleted, and therefore are moved to the Trash.

Reorder Labels

  1. From within the Reviews tab, click the Manage My Labels tab.
  2. Click the Order button.
  3. Select a Label.
  4. Click the Move Up or Move Down arrows to order the Label.
  5. When finished ordering, click the Save button located in the lower right corner of the Edit Label Order screen.

The Label will be reordered in the My Labels area in the top right corner of the Documents and Reviews area, but will not be reordered in the Manage My Labels tab.

Show or Hide Labels


Labels that are not accessed frequently can be hidden. Hidden Labels can continue to be applied to documents, but the Label will not be visible in the My Labels area in the Reviews tab.

  1. From within the Reviews tab, click the Manage My Labels tab.
  2. Select the checkbox to the left of each Label to be hidden.
  3. Click the Hide button.
  4. The hidden Label(s) will display a status of yes under the Hidden column, and will not be visible in the My Labels area in the top right corner of the Reviews tab.


  1. From within the Reviews tab, click the Manage My Labels tab.
  2. Select the checkbox to the left of each hidden Label.
  3. Click the Unhide button.
  4. The unhidden Label(s) will display a status of no under the Hidden column, and will be visible in the My Labels area in the top right corner of the Reviews tab.

Edit Label Titles

  1. From within the Reviews tab, click the Manage My Labels tab.
  2. Select the checkbox to the left of each Label to be renamed.
  3. Click the Edit Titles button.
  4. Enter/modify the title for each Label displayed.
  5. Click the Save button in the lower right corner of the Edit Label Titles screen.

Delete Label(s)

Labels can be deleted. Deleting a Label in the Manage My Labels area will remove it from the My Labels area in the Documents and Reviews tabs. Once a label is deleted, it cannot be recreated with the same name.

  1. From within the Reviews tab, click the Manage My Labels tab.
  2. Select the checkbox to the left of each Label to be deleted.
  3. Click the Delete button.

Review Documents associated with deleted Labels can be accessed from the All Label.

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