If a LiveText by Watermark administrator contacts us to request edTPA handbooks and/or SCALE rubrics please
1) Check that their institution is enabled for edTPA submissions on the Domains edit page (if it's not enabled contact a SME for the LiveText by Watermark application, do not enabled it).
2) If they are enabled, check if there is a new version of the resources which is soon to be released.
3) If they are not available to be released to clients advise the client of the upcoming release date and ask them to send us an email with their Admin username, if they need national or Washington state resources, and a list of the content areas they need, on or after that release date.
Current edTPA resource year: 2020-20201
Release Date: Aug 25th, 2020
4) If the resources are available, ask them to provide us with their Admin username, if they need national or Washington state resources, and a list of the content areas they need.
Once we have that information, follow these steps to share the documents:
1) Log into livetext.com with the username: TPACAdmin
2) Go to LiveText Docs
3) Click on the "Official 2020-2021 handbooks/templates", "Official Washington 2020-2021 Handbooks/ Templates" or "Official SCALE Rubrics 2020" label on the right side of the page
*Only share the handbooks/templates, Unless the admin mentions the SCALE rubrics.
4) Click on the title of the document for one of the content areas the admin requested
5) Click "Share this document"
6) Click the radio button next to "All Users"
7) In the "Search Viewer" box, enter the administrator's username
8) The name and username for the account should pop up below the search bar. Click on it.
9) Click Add to Share
10) Return to the LiveText Docs page and repeat the process for any other documents the admin needs