Adding and Editing Content in a Folio or DRF Program

You can add text, images, videos, web links, embedded media, and file attachments to a web folio or DRF (submission program).

To add content:

  1. Click your program from your home page or Folios & Web Pages in the top menu bar, depending on where you are working.
  2. Click a course/ assignment/ section name in the left frame 
  3. Use the Add toolbar, at the top of the right panel, to select the type of content you want to add to this page or section:


Description of the Content Buttons:

  • Text & Image - create a block of formatted text and/or insert images.
  • Slideshow - create a slideshow ( a series of images) from image files in your computer
  • Standards - select educational Standards that relate to your work
  • Main Text - add another block of formatted text (maintained separately from the "Text & Image" section)
  • Attachments - attach files from your computer and/or artifacts (such as a lesson plan) that you have created in Taskstream
  • Videos - upload a video file, or attach a previously uploaded video
  • Links - provide links to websites or to other pages in this Folio/Web Page
  • Embed Media - attach hosted media to your web folio. This feature enables you to attach media that is stored in service applications such as Vimeo, YouTube, SoundCloud, Flickr, Picasa or SlideShare. In order to be shared in this way in Taskstream, media must have been created and/or stored in a web-based application and have its own URL. 


4. As each content section is added, a pair of related Edit (or Manage) and Delete buttons enables you to update that content or remove it from the Folio or Web page area. Once you have added at least two  content sections to any area, a Reorder Content button is displayed at the top of the right work panel. Use this button toreorganize the various types of content you have added into the order that best helps communicate the story of this area of your folio or web page.

To add a new page to Web Pages or Presentation Portfolios, or a new section to Resource Folios:

  1. Select the main page or any sub-page by clicking its title in the left frame. NOTE: Please note that unlike pages, sections all appear on a single page.
  2. Click the Add Area button at the top of the left frame.
  3. Enter a name for the new page/section. You can choose to add a description.
  4. Click the Create button to add the new page/section to your folio or web page. If you add a page to an existing sub-page, you can choose the placement level of the new page.

To delete a page or section:

  1. Click to select the item from the left frame
  2. Click the Delete Area button at the top of the left frame. 
  3. An alert box will appear, asking you to confirm the deletion. Click OK to accept the deletion or Cancel to cancel the deletion.

To Move a Page or Section:

  1. In the Page/Area structure (left panel), click to select the item you want to move.
  2. From the top of the left panel, click Move Area.
  3. Cancel and Paste to other folio buttons appear at the top of the left panel. Paste buttons appear to the right of each page or section within the current portfolio.
  4. Click Paste next to the page or section into which you want to move your selection. 
  5. A Select Position pop-up window loads. Select whether the page or section is to be pasted above, below, or within the selected page or section.
  6. Click Submit. The item appears in the location that you selected.

Articles in this section

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