Creating an ePortfolio
There are two ways to create a new ePortfolio.
- From the home page, click the ePortfolios tab.
- Click the Create ePortfolio button.
- From the home page, click the PLUS icon in the bottom right corner.
- Click the Create ePortfolio button.
ePortfolio Types
When you create a new ePortfolio, you will select the type of portfolio with which you would like to begin. You can create a new ePortfolio by starting with a Blank Page or by selecting an ePortfolio Template.
Create a New ePortfolio using a Template
When you select Create from Template, you will need to make three additional choices:
- ePortfolio Name
- Description
- Templates
Completing Your Templated ePortfolio
Your templated portfolio will be populated with any tasks, work, or documentation that you should complete. Follow the instructions provided by your Administrator for each component.
NOTE: You may not be able to delete, move, or re-label components. These permissions are set by your Administrator upon creating the Template.
IMPORTANT: You can always add and edit your own components and pages (See below for how to add components and pages].
Create a New ePortfolio from Blank Page
Selecting Create from Blank Page will open a new blank portfolio builder. You can construct your own portfolio from scratch by adding your own components and pages.
The ePortfolio Template Builder
The ePortfolio builder has four tabs at the top of the screen: Add Content, Choose Theme, Edit Description, and Settings.
The Add Content tab
The Add Content tab is where you will find the actual ePortfolio builder. It has two primary parts. The left side is where you will find building tools for choosing what will be included in your template. The right side, called the Content Area, is where you place components and decide their order.
The Building Tools
The left side of the ePortfolio builder contains the tools you will use to select what will be included in the template. Building Tools include two categories: Components and Pages.
When the Components category is selected, you will see several components on the left side of the screen. Each component represents a unique way information can be added to a Portfolio.
- Text – Enter text, images, or links.
- Image – Embed an external image, or select an image from a past activity.
- Image Gallery - Embed several external images or select images from past activities. Images are displayed as thumbnails and a primary large image. Selecting a thumbnail will make it the primary image.
- File Upload – Upload an external file, or select a file from past activities.
- Video - Embed a YouTube video by providing a link or selecting a video from a past activity.
- Activities – Attach past activities (or parts of them)
Adding Components to a Template
To add a component to the Content Area, simply click the component. When a component is clicked, a window will appear with a box to enter a Label. The label is text that will accompany the component. It is often used to provide a title for the component or to describe what the component contains.

When the Pages category is selected, you can add, rename, and change the order of pages in the template. Every new ePortfolio template is created with the first page, which is titled “Blank.”

To add a component to the Content Area, simply click the component. When a component is clicked, a window will appear with a box to enter a Label. The label is text that will accompany the component. It is often used to provide a title for the component or to describe what the component contains.
When the Pages category is selected, you can add, rename, and change the order of pages in the template. Every new ePortfolio template is created with the first page, which is titled “Blank.”
- To add a new page, click the Add New Page button.
- To edit a page, click the 3 dots button next to the page name, and select Edit. From Edit, you can:
- Rename the page by typing a new name into the Name box.
- Change the order of pages by selecting an option from the Move Page to drop-down menu.
The Choose Theme tab
The Choose Theme tab allows you to select a general layout, and a personalized color scheme.
The Edit Description tab
The Edit Description tab allows you to choose a cover image and create a description for the ePortfolio. This cover image and description appear on the ePortfolio card that is displayed on your EPORTFOLIOS tab. It is also visible to assessors when you submit your ePortfolio to an activity
The Choose Theme tab allows you to select a general layout, and a personalized color scheme.
The Edit Description tab
The Edit Description tab allows you to choose a cover image and create a description for the ePortfolio. This cover image and description appear on the ePortfolio card that is displayed on your EPORTFOLIOS tab. It is also visible to assessors when you submit your ePortfolio to an activity
Saving and Viewing your ePortfolio
There are three buttons in the top right corner of the Portfolio Builder. These are View, Save, and Close.
NOTE: SLL does auto-save your progress approximately every 90 seconds. However, we always suggest clicking Save when you are ready to leave the Builder.