What is the Organizational Goals Editor?
The Organization goals editor is a database in which you can create institutional goal sets or copy a set of standards from our pre-populated collection of regional and specialized accreditors, then manage and distribute those sets to all or a subset of your hierarchy. Your hierarchy’s participating areas will be able to map their outcomes to these standards. Once mapped, you can run the following reports:
- Goal Set Alignment Summary
- Participating Area Alignment Summary
- Outcome Set Alignment Summary (this report is run on outcome sets from one workspace that map or align with a set created in the same or a different workspace, not with sets in the Organization Goals Editor)
You will also be able to filter your Assessment Cycle Summary and Operational Plan Summary reports by the sets to which your outcomes are aligned.
Creating a Goal Set
If you see this link on your manager account’s homepage (left-hand side)...
* NOTE-This link is usually housed in the institution’s manager account homepage. If you do NOT see this “Organization goals editor” link on the left side of your homepage, contact your AMS Coordinator for assistance with creating and distributing goals sets.
Steps to Create a Goal Set
- From the AMS Coordinator menu on the manager account homepage, click on the Organization goals editor link (screen shot above)
- On the next page, click on the CREATE NEW GOAL SET button
3. Now, you are taken to the Create a New Goal Set data entry page, where you must:
- To the right of Set Name, include a title for your set
- To the right of Status, click the radio button for Active
- To the right of Owning Organizational Area, use the drop-down menu to choose a participating area in the hierarchy (we suggest always choosing the top-most level, i.e. the name of the institution)
- To the right of Distribute Goal Set to, check the boxes for the participating areas who need to align their outcomes to this goal set
- You may choose to distribute the set to the entire hierarchy by checking the box for Distribute to entire organization
4. Scroll to the top or bottom of the page and click Continue
5. On the next page, choose the Add New Goal button (if you changed the Terms on the previous page, you will see a button corresponding to your “Level 1”)
6. On the resulting page, enter a title and optional description for your first goal. Then, hit SUBMIT.
7. Next, click on the Add New Initiative button under your newly-created goal to add a level 2 sub-goal (if you changed the Terms in step 3, you will see a button corresponding to your “Level 2”)
8. On the resulting page, enter a title and optional description for your first sub-goal/initiative. Then, hit SUBMIT
- If you have entered multiple goals (level 1’s), use the Goal drop-down menu to assign the new initiative (level 2) to its appropriate parent
9. The new initiative will appear below its corresponding goal.
10. Repeat steps 7-8 to add new initiatives (level 2) to the same goal
11.Repeat steps 5-8 to add new goals (level 1) and their own corresponding initiatives (level 2)
12. To Edit or Delete a goal (level 1) or initiative (level 2), click the corresponding buttons to the far right of their titles.
Click the expand icon on the video's lower right side for larger and fullscreen viewing. Click "CC" to access closed captions.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between outcomes and organization goal sets?
Outcome sets are entered by any user in a workspace for his/her assigned participating area. Organization Goal Sets are institution-wide goal/standard sets that are managed by your institution’s AMS Coordinators.
What is a workspace?
A workspace is a centralized, transparent repository for content about outcomes assessment and continuous improvement or related processes such as program review, strategic planning, or accreditation self-study. A workspace is structured in a way that guides users to enter different types of content into specific requirements.
What is a participating area?
A participating area is any group within your institution that is responsible for entering content into a workspace. For example, if the Accounting (B.S.) group is enrolled in a workspace, it is a participating area in that workspace. Every individual whose AMS account is affiliated with a participating area may be given access to all workspaces (or a subset of workspaces) in which the participating area is enrolled.