Is Taskstream's site accessible to users with disabilities?

Taskstream is committed to making its tools accessible for all users, including people with disabilities.  Our tools comply with Federal Section 508 guidelines and W3C WCAG recommendations as described in our accessibility statement.

Some optional services and third-party plug ins may not be covered by this document.  As new technologies emerge, Taskstream strives to amend its tools to be compliant with the widest audience possible; however, for legacy reasons, some pages cannot be updated immediately.

In addition to making technical changes to our websites to provide greater accessibility, we test them using multiple assistance-type technologies—such as screen readers and screen enlarging software—to analyze and modify our pages.  We also engage accessibility experts and people with disabilities to further test and modify our websites for optimal usability.

If you would like to report an accessibility issue in Taskstream LAT or AMS, please contact

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