Updated Feature: New Text Option Bar
We have replaced the message text tool bar in the system. The old tool bar was a third-party tool bar that was no longer being supported.
Formatting Toolbar: The new tool bar now includes options on the bar that were previously only accessible by a right click on the message box. Formatting options include cut, paste, copy, undo, redo, bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, alignment, bullet list (with variations), numbered list (with variations), add hyperlink, break hyperlink, font size, text color, background color, insert table, insert image, and Placeholders. Note: the new bar will resize itself depending on the size of your screen so you may need to click the three dots to see all your options
Placeholders: The name of the button has changed from Course Evaluations & Surveys Placeholders to simply Placeholders.
Special Rules when Adding Images: the Insert Image option allows you to link to an image on a webpage rather than uploading an image. The image is referenced from the website and not stored on CES servers so the image must be on a publicly-available webpage for it to appear as expected in communications. When you find the image you would like to add, you can typically right click on the image and click "Copy image address" to get the link you will need to paste into the Insert Image setup.
Fonts: The new bar no longer includes a Font Family option. Instead, you can copy text from another program (like Microsoft Word) that has the font you wish to use and then paste the text from Word into the body of your message. The font will be pasted along with the text. Please note: the font will appear as expected only if the device receiving the message has the same font installed. Given this, the email may look as expected when viewed on a PC (if using typical MS fonts) but might not when viewed on a Mac or on a tablet or phone, for example.