Purpose: Multiple placement sites may be added at one time using this import. Edits to existing sites can also be made using this feature. Please note, sites listed in the NCES database cannot be added or edited.
Fields: All headers in the template must be uploaded as provided. Optional fields may be left blank but the header must remain on the column. The file must contain the following columns in the following order:
Site ID
⦁ Explanation: Unique Identifier for site
⦁ Example: 5f7d3d58
⦁ Field Type and Length: text
⦁ Sample file column: A
⦁ Import Status: Optional*
*If no site ID is provided the system will create a new site and assign an ID. If an existing Site ID is provided, the system will update that record with details provided in the CSV file
Site Name
⦁ Explanation: Name of the site
⦁ Example: Austin Elementary School
⦁ Field Type and Length: text
⦁ Sample file column: A
⦁ Import Status: Required
Street Address
⦁ Explanation: Street number and Street where the site is located
⦁ Example: 123 Main St
⦁ Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric
⦁ Sample file column: B
⦁ Import Status: Optional
City or Zip Code
⦁ Explanation: Either the city or the zip code of the site can be provided
⦁ Example: “Austin” or “73301”
⦁ Field Type and Length: alphanumeric
⦁ Sample file column: C
⦁ Import Status: Required
⦁ Explanation: Country where the site is located
⦁ Example: United States
⦁ Field Type and Length: Text
⦁ Sample file column: D
⦁ Import Status: Required
Site Website
⦁ Explanation: Provide a link to the partner site website
⦁ Example: www.elementaryschool.com
⦁ Field Type and Length: text
⦁ Sample file column: E
⦁ Import Status: Optional
Site Type
⦁ Explanation: Use “Ed Prep” if the site if for an education prep related placement; use “Other Program” if the placement is for another program (ie. social work or other clinical placement)
⦁ Example: “Ed Prep” or “Other Program”
⦁ Field Type and Length: text
⦁ Sample file column: F
⦁ Import Status: Required
The following fields are only relevant for “Ed Prep” type sites; please leave these fields blank if the site type is “Other Program”
Lowest Grade
⦁ Explanation: Lowest grade available for placements at the site; the system will select all grades between the “Lowest Grade” and “Highest Grade” provided. Accepted Values are:
- Pre-Kindergarten
- Kindergarten
- 1st
- 2nd
- 3rd
- 4th
- 5th
- 6th
- 7th
- 8th
- 9th
- 10th
- 11th
- 12th
- 13th
- Adult Education
⦁ Example: Pre-Kindergarten
⦁ Field Type and Length: text
⦁ Sample file column: G
⦁ Import Status: Optional
Highest Grade
⦁ Explanation: Lowest grade available for placements at the site; the system will select all grades between the “Lowest Grade” and “Highest Grade” provided. For example, if “Pre-Kindergarten” is provided in “lowest grade” and “2nd” is provided in “Highest Grade”, then values of “Pre-Kindergarten”, “Kindergarten”, “1st”, and “2nd” will be included. Accepted Values are:
- Pre-Kindergarten
- Kindergarten
- 1st
- 2nd
- 3rd
- 4th
- 5th
- 6th
- 7th
- 8th
- 9th
- 10th
- 11th
- 12th
- 13th
- Adult Education
⦁ Example: 2nd
⦁ Field Type and Length: text
⦁ Sample file column: H
⦁ Import Status: Optional
Title 1 Status
⦁ Explanation: Is the school a Title 1 site? Accepted values are “yes”, “no”, or “unknown”. If no value is provided then “Unknown” will be selected.
⦁ Example: Yes
⦁ Field Type and Length: text
⦁ Sample file column: I
⦁ Import Status: Optional
School Type
⦁ Explanation: Accepted values are:
- Regular school
- Special Education School
- Vocational School
- Other/Alternative School
- Reportable Program
⦁ Example: Vocational School
⦁ Field Type and Length: text
⦁ Sample file column: J
⦁ Import Status: Optional
⦁ Explanation: Is the school a charter school? Accepted values are “yes” or “no”
⦁ Example: Yes
⦁ Field Type and Length: text
⦁ Sample file column: K
⦁ Import Status: Optional
⦁ Explanation: Is the school a magnet school? Accepted values are “yes” or “no”
⦁ Example: Yes
⦁ Field Type and Length: text
⦁ Sample file column: K
⦁ Import Status: Optional
Geographic Locale
⦁ Explanation: Accepted values are “City”, “Suburban”, “Town”, “Rural”
⦁ Example: Rural
⦁ Field Type and Length: text
⦁ Sample file column: L
⦁ Import Status: Optional
The following 7 fields record student enrollment demographics. The enrollment counts will be used to generate a pie chart that will be displayed on the site detail page. Please enter a percentage value.
American Indian/Alaska Native American
⦁ Explanation: Percentage of student enrollment that is American Indian or Alaska Native American
⦁ Example: 15
⦁ Field Type and Length: numeric
⦁ Sample file column: M
⦁ Import Status: Optional
⦁ Explanation: Percentage of student enrollment that is Asian
⦁ Example: 15
⦁ Field Type and Length: numeric
⦁ Sample file column: N
⦁ Import Status: Optional
⦁ Explanation: Percentage of student enrollment that is Black
⦁ Example: 15
⦁ Field Type and Length: numeric
⦁ Sample file column: O
⦁ Import Status: Optional
⦁ Explanation: Percentage of student enrollment that is Hispanic
⦁ Example: 15
⦁ Field Type and Length: numeric
⦁ Sample file column: P
⦁ Import Status: Optional
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
⦁ Explanation: Percentage of student enrollment that is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
⦁ Example: 15
⦁ Field Type and Length: numeric
⦁ Sample file column: Q
⦁ Import Status: Optional
⦁ Explanation: Percentage of student enrollment that is White
⦁ Example: 15
⦁ Field Type and Length: numeric
⦁ Sample file column: R
⦁ Import Status: Optional
Two or more races
⦁ Explanation: Percentage of student enrollment that is two or more races
⦁ Example: 15
⦁ Field Type and Length: numeric
⦁ Sample file column: S
⦁ Import Status: Optional
Free Lunch Eligible
⦁ Explanation: The percentage of the student population eligible to participate in the free programs under the National School Lunch Act of 1946
⦁ Example: 35
⦁ Field Type and Length: numeric
⦁ Sample file column: T
⦁ Import Status: Optional
Reduced Price Lunch Eligible
⦁ Explanation: The percentage of the student population eligible to participate in the Reduced-Price Lunch programs under the National School Lunch Act of 1946
⦁ Example: 35
⦁ Field Type and Length: numeric
⦁ Sample file column: U
⦁ Import Status: Optional
Free Lunch Eligible
⦁ Explanation: The percentage of the student population eligible to participate in the free or programs under the National School Lunch Act of 1946
⦁ Example: 35
⦁ Field Type and Length: numeric
⦁ Sample file column: T
⦁ Import Status: Optional