In order to create a Course Assessment Plan, a user must first be assigned the Administrator role for Planning & Self Study. With this permission, users can create Course Assessment Plans by following the steps described below.
The process begins by selecting Plans on the left-hand administrative menu.
On the following screen, all existing Plans will display, along with a Start New Plan button in the top-right. The user would select this button to begin the process.
This will produce a screen on which the Plan's settings will be put in place.
The first step is to name the Plan, and to provide an optional due date:
The next step involves adding the reporting year and selecting Course Plan as the plan type.
*If the reporting year does not appear on the list of available years, click Add Reporting Year to add a new year. Only a single Reporting Year can be selected.
The next step involves defining the scope of the Plan. After clicking Define Scope, the user will select the Organization(s) to include and the system will show how many courses are included within the organization.
The user has the option to filter the organization hierarchy on the basis of an organization type. A Show drop-down will appear and it will have the option to view All Organizations, and a particular organization type.
*It is not possible to make selections at the Program level.
To view the specific courses, or to de-select a course, click on the pencil icon next to the courses selected.
After viewing the selected courses, click Save Selections, then click Apply after returning to the previous screen.
Once the plan has been set up, the user would select Publish. This plan will now be published to all programs and courses defined in the scope.