NEW FEATURE: Display response options in a drop-down menu for Single Select questions
A CES Admin, Survey Admin, and Project Admin can now choose to display single-selection questions in a drop-down for all survey types except metadata surveys. For respondents of the survey, response options will be listed in the drop-down if the display property is selected by the survey creator. The default display for single select questions will continue to be a vertical list.
Student/Respondent View:
NEW FEATURE: Ability to Export Response Rate Tracker
CES Administrators, Administrators, and Instructors can now export Course Evaluations and General Surveys response rates in .xlsx format, provided they have access to Response Rate Tracker.
Prerequisite: For Administrators and/or Instructors to use this feature, the CES Administrator has to have enabled access to Response Rate Tracker for their institution’s Administrators and/or Instructors.
NEW FEATURE: Ability to manage Hierarchy Mapper logic via REST API.
This new feature provides an institution the ability to create, update, and delete Hierarchy Mapper logic via REST API.