Updated Predict Success & Risk Factor Reasons (Spring 2023)


We are excited to announce the following updates to the Predict Analytics Success and Risk factor reasons included with the Student Success & Engagement platform.

  • 'New' Success/Risk Factor Reasons apply and display on a Student Risk display (eg. Top 3 Success and Top 3 Risk Factors) for ALL student enrollments (students/courses) starting with students registered for Summer and Fall 2023 Terms. 2023-03-21_14_57_15-.png
  • All pre-existing factors will remain present in SS&E as they are applied to student enrollments prior to Summer 2023

Why were the Predict analytic factors changed?

As SS&E has joined the Watermark product suite, this has opened up opportunities for deeper integrations and insights that will help guide both institutional effectiveness and your student success initiatives. This update was a necessary step to help fulfill future efforts and align with this vision.

What exact changes were made?

What changed are the success and risk factor reasons used for Course Completion and Student Persistence risk modeling that display in SS&E Administration, under the Analytics menu item found here*.

*To open the "broken" URL in your system, replace yourInstitution with your school name that appears in the SS&E URL before .avisoapp.com. For further instructions, click here.

  • Upon release of the updated success and risk factor reasons in April 2023, all previous factors will still remain in your system and display along with the new factors.
  • After the Spring 2023 (April) release, the new factors will start being applied to students who are registered for Summer 2023 and/or future terms, and will be made visible in the top three success and risk factor display accessed from a student and course registration record.

Your existing success and risk factor reasons will be used on Course Completion and Student Persistence analytics up until and including Spring 2023 term enrollments.

The new success and risk factor reasons will be used on Course Completion and Student Persistence risk calculations on Summer 2023 registrations and all future term enrollments.

  • Please review the following screenshots to learn more about the new success and risk factors, or you may download a PDF file of the new factor definitions linked at the bottom of the article.



When did this change?

New success and risk factor reasons were released into production systems at the end of March 2023.

  • On Friday March 24th, 2023 the new success and risk factors were loaded into your SS&E instance and were visible only within the administrative section under Analytics -> Success/Risk Reasons.
  • In April 2023, the new factors started being applied to students who are registered for Summer 2023 and/or future terms. Once applied, the new success and risk factors will display on student and course registration records from the UI.

What do I have to do about this change?

Before the live production release of the new updated success and risk factors in April 2023, we reached out to all institutions asking to review the attached PDF file in order to compare the new factors with the success and risk factors used prior to Summer 2023 as they appear within SS&E Administration.

  • Many of the new updated factors may seem similar to prior factors represented within the platform, however they will be represented as ‘new’ additional factors within your system.
  • If customizations were made to any of the pre-existing factors, such as disabling a success/risk reason or changing the description that displays for users on the UI, we asked that institutions  enter the same/a similar configuration on the ‘new’ matching factor to ensure consistency between the new success and risk factors and prior factor configurations. 
  • If customizations were NOT made to any of the pre-existing factors, we recommended reviewing the new factors in order to be familiarized with the new success/risk factor reasons that will be used and display in SS&E beginning with Summer 2023 student enrollments.
  • The 'old' success/risk factor reasons will NOT be removed from SS&E Administration and will continue to display along with the new factors.
  • 'Old' factors do NOT have to be disabled in SS&E Administration. The system will know how/when to only use the 'new' factors for ALL student enrollments as of Summer 2023.

How to customize or disable Success and Risk Factor Reasons in the "Top 3" factor lists displayed on the UI

To change or disable any of the Success and Risk factors that display on the UI:

  1. Go to SS&E Administration -> Analytics -> Success/Risk Reasons, linked here.
  2. Identify which factor reasons you wish to disable or customize.
    • Customizing a factor reason will replace the default factor reason with the institution specific term in the "Top 3" factor lists that display on the UI. 
  3. From within SS&E Administration, select the factors identified in step 2 to disable or update the description on success/risk factor reasons as needed.

How to check if any pre-existing Success and Risk Factor Reasons were customized:

  1. Go to SS&E Administration -> Analytics -> Success/Risk Reasons, linked here.
  2. Sort on Active, check if any of the prior factor reasons are set to "No".
  3. Sort on Description, check if any of the prior factor reasons have a custom description (eg. the description column is not empty).

For clients that found results in steps 2 and 3, please continue with the following steps:

  1. Identify and document which factors have been disabled and/or have a custom description. 
  2. Review the 'New' Risk factor definitions in the attached PDF file to determine if there are any similar 'New' factors that also need to be disabled and/or updated with a custom description.
  3. From within SS&E Administration, select the factors identified in step 2 to disable and update the description on the new success/risk factor reasons as needed.

How do we know what is an 'old' success/risk factor vs. what is 'new'?

To distinguish between old factors up until Spring 2023 and new factors used on/after Summer/Fall 2023:

  1. Go to SS&E Administration -> Analytics -> Success/Risk Reasons, linked here.
  2. Select the Modified Date column to sort by date.
  3. New factors will usually display as the most recent "Modified Factors".
  4. For verification, please refer to the attached PDF to compare the new factor's Src System ID with the Src System Id displayed within SS&E.




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