SIS Import Validation


For an overview of the SIS Data Import Process, click here.

  • The above article describes how data moves between the SIS system via the Connect Job into SS&E.
  • The Connect job processes the SIS data and generates data extract (Json) files that are used to import data into SS&E.
  • Import errors occur during the import job that runs after the Connect job has processed the SIS data.
  • Errors that occur during the Connect job are displayed in Advanced Administration External Logging.

From SIS Integration Administration -> Import Errors, this import validation screen shows all Import Errors captured during recent cycles of the SIS Import Job.

  • The error messages provide troubleshooting information for the institution's IT staff and/or Watermark SS&E staff.
  • Depending on the error message, the error message may display a notification or the reason why a record did not import into SS&E.
  • By default, the import error page displays import errors that occureed during the past 30 days.
  • At most institutions, there are many SIS Import Errors that can be ignored for different reasons. For example, institutional staff can determine if there are:
      • Errors about missing data values that represnt purposefully removed data or "bad" data.
      • Records that are importing with null values that the system is ignoring in order to prevent erasure of existing data. In most cases, if a record is importing from the SIS with a null value that needs to erase an existing value, this should be done via SIS Deletion Integration, and not by sending null values on an existing record.
  • There is no way to clear errors from the Import Errors menu, and import errors will re-appear every time the import job runs unless the underlying reason is resolved or removed.
      • If desired, the way to remove import errors is to remove the associated records from the data extract definitions that generate the JSON import files.
      • Once the records that are causing import errors stop importing from the SIS, any related import errors will stop.
  • If an import error is determined to be meaningful by the institutional staff, then it must  be resolved in the SIS source data or the Data Extract Definitions so that the data will import successfully into SS&E.
      • Watermark staff cannot advise if an import error represents a real issue since that can usually only be determined by someone that is familiar with the source data.
      • To check if an import error is meaningful, each institution should consider what data is in the source system in order to determine if an import error represents a real issue or something that is related to old data or irrelevant data and therefore can be ignored.
  • In many cases, import errors are notifications that do not prevent other records on the data feed and other data on the same record/data feed from importing into SS&E.
      • To check if a data feed is importing into SS&E, you can go to Batch Proccesing in Advanced Administration and check the latest SIS Import Job (sisImportBatchJob). 
      • The Most Recent Execution Status column will display the SIS Import status for every job cycle.2023-12-19 09_20_34-.png
        • As long as the SIS Import Job is comepleting and not constantly failing/stopped/stopping, then no additional steps are necessary. The SIS Import Job is scheduled to run four times a day so that if someting happens and a job is interrupted, another job will run shortly.
        • If the SIS Import Job is not completing please open a ticket with SSE Support. 
      • To find the data feed you are looking for, click into the Id column until you can view the data feed read/write counts which verify that the data feed records were imported into SS&E. The following screenshot shows an example of what this page will look like: 2023-12-19 09_28_07-Execution_ 1,915,543 - Instance_ 1,920,934 - Job_ sisImportBatchJob.png

For additional information about SIS Integration Error Handling, click here.

Import Error Examples

Tried to overwrite email address with null value

  • This error indicates that a null value is importing on a person record where data already exists and the system cannot remove the existing value by replacing it with a null value.
    • A null value importing from the SIS will display in the data extract on file.
    • For instructions on how to download and search a data extract file, click here.
    • To view the null value, download the data extract and search for the Source System ID that is referenced on the import error to verify that the person's email address is "null".
    • This error is stating that the SIS Import Job will not replace an existing email address with a null value imported from the SIS.
        • If the intention is to set the person's email address to null, this can be done by entering a blank space in the Person Override email address field. For more information, click here.
        • This import error implies that the SIS Import Job will only replace an existing email address with a different email address that is not null. Another way to replace a user's email address is by entering a different email address via the person record Person Override.

Tried to overwrite username with null value

  • This error indicates that a null value is importing on a person record where data already exists and the system cannot remove the existing value by replacing it with a null value.
    • A null value importing from the SIS will display in the data extract on file.
    • For instructions on how to download and search a data extract file, click here.
    • To view the null value, download the data extract and search for the Source System ID that is referenced on the import error to verify that the person's username is "null".
    • This error is stating that the SIS Import Job will not replace an existing username with a null value imported from the SIS.
        • If the intention is to set the person's username to null, this can be done by entering a blank space in the Person Override username field. For additional information, click here.
        • This import error implies that the SIS Import Job will only replace an existing username with a different username that is not null. Another way to replace a username is by entering a different username via the person record Person Override.

Could not parse file

  • This error usually indicates that the data extract on-file is invalid and cannot be used to import data into SS&E.
  • For more information, click here.


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