What are Departmental Apps?


Departmental Apps (eg. Apps) create separate work spaces for different groups of staff and faculty users that have different types of core duties.

  • When applicable, staff and faculty users can be assigned multiple apps and switch between their assigned apps using the App Switcher as they wear different "hats".
  • Departmental Apps do NOT apply to students, as this is only meant for separating work spaces between different staff and faculty roles.
  • From the student's aspect, implementing departmental apps will not change anything and students will still always only login directly to a Student view.
      • Student Workers that are assigned both a student role and a staff/non-student role will be affected, since by design they login to a Staff view.

Departmental Apps Administration determines what is available to display on the primary navigation bar menu/person type information/home page widgets and campaign type options within each App.

App Types

Using App types allows staff users to see different items on the UI based on the specific App. By design, the system includes three Department Apps.

The three Department Apps are:

  1. Advise
  2. Instruct
  3. Recruit

Note: Admin is not considered a Department App since it only allows access to the Administrator page.

  • The Admin app is not a configurable department app since by design, administrators are allowed full access to the Administration Page, now accessed from the Admin App.
  • Staff that are both Student Success & Engagement Administrators and Advisors will have access to both the Admin and Advise apps.
  • Once departmental apps is enabled, each department app will look different and only display items that are configured and enabled to display on the UI within each App. 
    • For example, recruiters whose duties are focused on recruiting prospective students will most likely only need access to the Recruit App; and within the Recruit app they most likely will not need access to view/use Academic Plans or Courses.


When an item is enabled within a specific app, it will optionally display for an App user if the logged-in user has role permissions to view/use the enabled item.

  • If a user does not have permission to use/view a menu item then it will not matter if the item is enabled or not in the app they are using. Since even if it is enabled in the App the item will not apply based on the user's security role(s) permissions.
  • If a user has permissions to view/use an item that is NOT enabled in the app that they are using, it will also not matter since this item does not display in the specific app. The permissions however may still be relevant for a different app that is assigned to the same user that does enable/display the item.

Department App Settings

Department Apps Administration includes the following settings that determine how and which of the following items display on the UI in each App:

  1. Primary Navigation Bar (Home, People, Plans, Reports, Surveys, Meeting Requests, Courses, Campaigns) - This Department App setting determines which of these tabs are visible and accessible from the primary navigation menu bar.
  2. Person Types (Applicant, Prospect, Staff, Student) - This Department App setting determines which person type populations are available within each App, e.g. what person types can be selected and viewed within each department app. The configuration settings for what displays on a Person Type, including the available filtering/bulk actions/person record tabs that are accessible within each app; are set in Person Types Administration. To learn more about Person Types, click here.
  3. Badge Color - Determines the color of the source app badge that displays the app name on the Activity Feed. Displaying the app name allows users to see which app is associated with each activity item/staff note and filter by the Department App.
  4. Widgets - Determines which widgets users can choose from on each Department App's Home Page Dashboard. Each App will have its own Home Page, and this setting determines which widgets are available to be added/removed from a users individual Home page within an App. Some widgets are tied to a specific Person Type and therefore should only be used if the matching Person Type is enabled in the Department App settings. Also, ensure that each available widget is able to display information about person records that are accessible from within the App.
  5. Campaign Types (Application, Appointment, Enrollment, General) - This Department App setting determines which campaign types are available for users when creating/viewing campaigns within each App.

What Happens Upon Release?

  • All users with an Administrator role will be automatically assigned the Admin App. Using the Admin App will appear almost the same as pre-release Administration access. The only difference being that instead of selecting Administration from the top right dropdown menu, the Administration page is accessed by selecting the Admin App.
  • All staff users will be assigned the Advise App. There will be no change as to what displays pre-release other than minor menu labeling changes.
  • Staff that are also students (eg. student workers) will be assigned the Advise app, same as pre-release, and will not be assigned to the Student app.
  • Additional options will appear in Reporting Filters, further described below.

UI Changes

Welcome Page (eg. Start Screen)


Users with multiple apps (excluding Resources and Admin) will see a welcome screen upon login, and will be prompted to select the department app that they wish to login to.

  • If a user is only allowed access to one department app (out of the Advise/Instruct/Recruit apps), they'll be routed directly to the department app upon login and will NOT see a welcome page.
  • If a user is not allowed to access any department apps (out of the Advise/Instruct/Recruit apps), they will see the Welcome page and it will only display Resources,
  • If  a user is not allowed to access any department apps, yet they are assigned the Administrator role, they will be routed directly to the Admin page (SS&E Administration).
  • If a user is only allowed access to one department app (out of the Advise/Instruct/Recruit apps), and they are also assigned the Administrator role, they'll be routed directly to their department app upon login and will NOT see a welcome page.

Only users that are allowed to access more than one app (out of the Advise/Instruct/Recruit apps) will see a Welcome page start screen in order to select which app they wish to login to.

  • Users that are only assigned to Advise/Admin/Resources will not see a welcome page.
      • Users assigned to Advise, Resources, and Admin will automatically be logged into the Advise App. From here, using the App Switcher will open Admin or Resources, similar to pre-release.
  • Users that are only assigned to Advise/Resources will not see a welcome page.
      • If a user is only assigned to Advise, they will be logged in directly to the Advise App, similar to pre-release.
  • Users that are only assigned to Admin/Resources will not see a welcome page.
      • If a user is only assigned to Admin (via the Administrator role), they will be logged in directly to the Administration Page, similar to pre-release.
  • Users that are only allowed to access Resources will see a welcome page. 2023-04-13_21_51_24-ask_sse-product_-_Watermark_-_Slack.png

In addition, upon release of 7.0.0, by design, the welcome page will not display for any users.

  • Since the welcome page only appears when users are assigned multiple apps (or when users are assigned no apps, therefore only allowed access to "Resources" which cannot be revoked), all users will be logged in directly to Admin or Advise upon release, based on their assigned roles.
  • Upon release of 7.0.0 no users will be assigned to multiple apps. Once enabled, users will be allowed to access multiple apps (out of the Advise/Instruct/Recruit apps).
  • Upon release of 7.0.0, all non-student users (except users that are only assigned an Administrator role) will only be assigned the Advise App.
      • Student Workers that are assigned both a student role and a staff/non-student role will also be assigned the Advise App by default, since by design they login to a Staff view.

How to bookmark individual Department Apps

If users have multiple apps and they wish to log in directly to one of their assigned advise/ recruit/ instruct apps instead of logging in to each app through the welcome page and/or the App Navigator, they can bookmark each Department App as a separate URL. 


For example, instead of seeing a welcome page with multiple apps to select from (as displayed in the above screenshot), creating the following bookmarks will open SS&E on the individual app:

App Switcher (eg. App Navigator)


All Users will see an App Switcher on the top right where they can choose an App or select to view Resources.

  • Resources was moved from the top menu bar to the App Switcher for all users.
  • Admin displays as an app although it is different than other Apps in that it only allows access to the Administration Page.
  • Resources displays as an app yet it was only moved from the primary navigation menu bar to the App Switcher, otherwise it is the same as prerelease.

User Details

Each person record will display which apps displays in the user's App Switcher.

  • Apps are system assigned based on a user's security roles.



Messages and Reports


Messages and Reports were moved to the top right menu so that they display in every Department App by default.

  • Messages are accessed from the Email icon.
  • Reports are accessed from the Report icon. 

Report Sources

The Alerts, Notes, Surveys, and Tasks Report Sources have options for App Name both in the report data and the report filters.


People Page - Person Types

On the primary navigation bar, if a Dept. App is assigned multiple Person Types in Departmental App Administration then the primary navigation menu will display a People dropdown that lists all person types associated with the selected app.

If the App is assigned only one Person Type,  then the top menu bar will not display the People dropdown menu and rather only display the name of the single Person Type that is available within the app. 

Upon roll-out of the 7.0.0 release, person types will be disabled, and:

  • All non-student users will be assigned the Advise Department App.
  • All users will be scoped to the Student person type, same as prerelase.
  • All non-student users will only see "Student" listed on the primary nav bar, so there is no difference with the pre-release functionality.
  • The Student page will include all users, both staff and students, same as prerelease.
  • Any filters will include both students and staff displayed on the Student page, same as prerelease.

If Person Types is enabled, this means that person types are importing on the Person data feed.

  • If multiple person types are importing these should first be configured in Person Type Administration and assigned to the Advise app, or assigned to different apps if Departmental Apps is unlocked in Features Administration.
  • If Departmental Apps is NOT enabled, different person types can only display in the one available app, the Advise app, under the People dropdown.

One Person Type:


Multiple Person Types:


  • When an App can view multiple Person Types the Student Page changes to a People Page dropdown.
  • The People Page dropdown displays all Person Types that are enabled for the specific app in Department App Administration.

Activity Feed

The Student List Activity Feed Filter has an App criteria option for users that wish to view a certain activity type created in a specific app. 

  • In addition, some items such as Notes will display a badge on each record to identify the source app where each note was created.




By design, Campaigns always display Campaigns, Metrics/Analysis, Emails and Templates by App.

For example, the Recruit App will only show campaigns that are associated with the Recruit App; and the Advise App will only show campaigns that are associated with the Advise App.

  • A campaign or campaign template created in a specific App will only appear within the App it was created.
  • Campaign Templates cannot be shared with different Apps.
  • By default - Campaigns are always tied to an individual App. 
  • Campaigns will only show up in the App they were created in and/or run in. 


The Home Page will be specific for an App.

  • Each App will have its own Home Page Dashboard and users may customize their dashboards in different Apps so that each App displays different widgets.
  • Users with multiple Apps may edit their dashboard in each App in order to set a different title and display different metrics, events and notifications between different Apps.

New Imported Source Data

The following new and updated data feeds can optionally import additional data from the institution to be used/viewed by staff users in the different Department Apps.

  • Admit Status
  • High School Graduation Type
  • High School Transcript Status
  • High School Transcript Type
  • Person - originalEducationalGoal
  • Person Application - 
    • studentLoadIntentId
    • residencyStatusId
    • admitStatusId
    • applicationDate
    • applicationFinancialAidIntentFlag
    • applicationFinancialAidSubmitDate
    • applicationStudentTypeId
  • Person Application Location
  • Person High School -
    • creditsEarned
    • highSchoolTranscriptDate
    • highSchoolTranscriptStatus
    • highSchoolTranscriptType
    • yearAttendedStart
    • yearAttendedEnd
    • rankPosition
    • rankClassSize
    • highSchoolGraduationType
  • Residency Status
  • Student Load Intent

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