SS&E Email Delivery Configuration


Institutions often ask how to ensure that their Student Success & Engagement emails are delivered to the Inbox of their users and not placed in SPAM or other secondary folders.

The intent of this article is not to provide specific detailed configuration settings for each email system, but instead to focus on high-level tasks that should be performed to increase proper delivery.

What Email Address Will Student Success & Engagement Emails Send From?

Email from Student Success & Engagement come from the domain of or

For example, an email from Columbia College would come from However, the senders actual name would appear.


Student Success & Engagement's reply-to feature will allow a user to reply to the email they receive from any email client.

When sent, this message is routed back to SS&E, added to the conversation thread which can be viewed on the Messages screen, and subsequently delivered to the recipient's email.

When reply-to is used, the Reply-To email address will differ from the sender email address as a unique threadId that will be utilized to identify the conversation thread the email should be attached to.

The domain used for the reply-to functionality is

What Email Server is Sending Your Student Success & Engagement Email?

Student Success & Engagement uses Amazon's Simple Email Service (SES) for sending email.

Partner institutions often whitelist a set of domains or senders, and if not whitelisted the email will appear with a notification bar for staff to be aware of an untrusted sender.

Your institution may choose to add the above-mentioned domains to your email client's configuration to prevent this warning from appearing to your staff.

SPAM Filter Whitelists

To help ensure that email is delivered properly, please whitelist the following domains in your email provider:

Static IP Addresses

If your institution would like to use a static IP address for the origin of mail arriving at your institution, please configure your spam filters to whitelist emails sent from the following IP addresses and make sure that firewall rules are configured to allow connections to the following IP addresses.


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