SS&E Implementation Overview for Institutional IT


This guide is intended for the IT team members responsible for Student Success & Engagement implementation tasks and integrations. The details outlined in this guide are subject to change as Watermark processes and requirements change over time.

Email Delivery

  1. Whitelist specific Email Domains - this should be completed right away to ensure your team receives emails from Watermark and system emails.


  1. Set up Authentication.
  2. Add person data to Project Team Import Spreadsheet. Watermark staff will then import these users into your new SS&E instance.

LMS Integration

  1. Complete LMS Integration steps:

SIS Integration

Connect Server

  1. Set up a Virtual Machine/Server for Connect.
  2. Provide remote access to Watermark Student Success & Engagement implementation staff (please share passwords securely - NOT via a support ticket or email)

Build Data Feeds

See the Import Process and Infrastructure Summary for visuals on the data flow steps, schedule, and infrastructure. 

See the SIS Integration Overview for more information on the process of building data feeds. Note that after queries or CSVs are built, there are additional steps by Watermark staff to enable the feeds to import into production.

Additional data feed resources:

  • SIS Import Definitions defines the import requirements for each data feed.
  • Data Feed Actions lists which data feeds support data deletion integration.
  • Data Deletion Configuration has more information on data deletion using the all Ids deletion feature.
  • Use your Data Feed Status workbook (provided by your Implementation Project Manager) to track progress in collaboration with Watermark Technical Consultants.

Data Feed Implementation Process

  1. Decide on Connect Method: CSV or Direct DB based on SIS
  2. Confirm data feeds to import in Data Feed Status workbook
  3. Identify Sample Students
  4. Build Priority 1-4 Data Feeds (required to move to Phase 2: Design & Build)
  5. Build Priority 5 Optional Data Feeds
  6. Data Verification 1
  7. Data Verification 2

Additional Integrations

These apply to only some SS&E packages. Reach out to your Project Manager with any questions about your package.

Calendar Integration

  1. Set up the Calendar Integration/Service Account


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