SurveyMonkey Integration Configuration


This article explains how to setup SurveyMonkey so that surveys will sync successfully between SS&E and SurveyMonkey.

After setting up the SurveyMonkey configuration within SS&E, every survey will need to be set up in SurveyMonkey in order to sync the survey responses with SS&E.

Survey Response Sync Test

Once a survey is configured within SurveyMonkey, we recommend testing each survey by sending the survey to a test user in order to verify that the survey response syncs back with SS&E.

  • If the test survey succeeds, then the survey is configured properly and it can be shared with others.
  • If the test survey does not sync properly with SS&E, please check External Logging for errors. For more information about how to check surveys that are not syncing, see here.
  • If there are no survey related errors in External Logging, eg. you only see a source for Connect, please reach out to Survey Monkey support for assistance with configuring the test survey within survey monkey.

Link Your SurveyMonkey Account

To configure SurveyMonkey integration within Student Success & Engagement:

  1. Log in to SS&E, then navigate to Administration Surveys Configuration.
  2. Click the "Link SurveyMonkey Account" button.
    • This will navigate you to the SurveyMonkey web application and prompt you for your credentials.
    • This will also indicate what permissions and data SS&E will request from your SurveyMonkey account.
  3. Once approved, you will be redirected back into SS&E, and the SurveyMonkey API Token field will be populated.
    • Do not change this value unless you wish to change the SurveyMonkey account linkage.

Set Custom Column Names

When a survey is sent, SS&E can push two pieces of information into the survey response:

  1. The institution identifier of the "regarding" person.
  2. The institution identifier of the "recipient" of the survey.

In the case where an advisor sends a survey to a student, the "regarding" person will be the student, and the "recipient" will also be the student.

In the case where an advisor takes a survey, the "regarding" person will be the student whose profile they were on when they clicked the "Take Survey" button, and the "recipient" will be the advisor.

You can then use this data when generating reports and analyzing results within SurveyMonkey.

In order for SS&E to be able to pull survey response data from SurveyMonkey, a special identifier must be set on the survey response data within SurveyMonkey.

All this is performed using "Custom Variables" in SurveyMonkey.

Custom Variables

SS&E uses custom variables to track information about each survey you send as it passes through Survey Monkey. 

Custom variables must be set up on each SurveyMonkey Survey you integrate with SS&E, and you can customize the names of these variables.

Custom Variables are listed below:

  1. Recipient Identifier Custom Column Name - The institution identifier of the recipient (or survey respondent) will be placed in this variable. This is required in order to identify the recipient inside of Survey Monkey.
  2. Regarding Identifier Custom Column Name - The institution identifier of the "regarding" person (the student in the typical use case) will be placed in this variable. This is required in order to identify the regarding person inside of Survey Monkey.
  3. Sender Identifier Custom Column Name - The institution identifier of the person who sent the survey will be placed in this variable. This is required in order to identify the sender inside of Survey Monkey.
  4. SS&E Identifier Custom Column Name - The Aviso ID of the survey response will be placed in this variable. This is required in order for response data to be pulled into SS&E.

Note: Only the fourth identifier is required in order to pull data into SS&E. The first three identifiers are optional and are used differently based on a client's reporting objectives.

  • When/if used, it is necessary to create a name for each variable. For example, these names may be as simple as entering "Recipient",  "Regarding", "Sender" and "AvisoSurveyId", or you can customize them for your institution.   
After custom variable names are decided on, enter them into the corresponding field on Surveys Surveys Configuration.
  • Every survey that you wish to integrate into SS&E must have the same custom variables also set within Survey Monkey. 
  • Please keep in mind that the custom variables set on Survey Monkey and the custom column names you set in SS&E must match exactly, including capitalization.
Instructions on how to set these variables are included in the above article. 

Application Name

The Application Name setting allows you to customize the label used for the navigation to the areas of the SS&E software containing survey functionality.

  • The Application Name is set to "Surveys" by default.


This allows the survey functionality to be turned on or off.

Role Configuration

There are two role-level permissions to consider when enabling Surveys within SS&E.

  1. In Administration Global Configuration Roles, select a role for which you would like to allow Surveys access.
  2. Click the "Edit" button on the role, then find the following permissions and set them appropriately.
    • Can Access Surveys - This defines whether or not the people in this role can see the "Surveys" link in the application navigation menu and the "Surveys" tab on the student profile page.
    • Can View Others' Responses - By default, roles will be configured such that people can only see their own responses from within SS&E, and not responses from other users. When enabled, this allows people to see all survey responses within the system, not just their own.

Note: Leaving "Can Access Surveys" unchecked will remove the "Surveys" tab from the UI. 

  • To clarify, what this means is that even if the logged-in user/role(s) is allowed to send/view surveys and survey responses based on individual "Survey Roles" that can send/view the survey/survey results and/or "Can View Other Responses" is set to "Yes", the user will not be able to access the Surveys tab.

In addition, by design, the Survey Responses box under Surveys only lists surveys sent by the logged-in user.

  • To clarify, Survey Responses do not include surveys sent to students by other people.
  • In order to view other survey responses, if permissions allow, staff users may go to the students' survey tabs and view them there or impersonate the survey sender to view them under the impersonated user's Survey Responses. 

Next Steps

Once the configuration is complete, click the "Surveys" link beneath the "Surveys" section in the Administration navigator on the left-hand side of the screen.

For more information about adding Surveys from this page, click here.

For information about the Survey Monkey Response API call configuration, click here.

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