Mobile App Update Frequency
The Watermark Student mobile app is in sync with the Student Success & Engagement web app that updates up to four times a day via the SIS Import process at 4:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 4:30 PM and 10:30 PM.
To view the SIS Import Process status, check Batch Processing in Advanced Administration. For more information, click here.
Training Videos
Watermark Student video demonstrations can be found here.
The following information are enhancements included in the 6.0 Release Notes.
- 6.15.0 - 3/5/21: Enhancements Watermark Student Promotional Pop-Up
Students will now see the pop-up shown below. This allows them to either send themselves an SMS message with a link to the app, or they can click on either app store badge to take them to the mobile app on those app stores.
- 6.2.1 - 10/2/20
Watermark Student Users
The "Aviso Student Users" page is found on the People Administration menu and it allows SS&E Administrators to see which users have logged in to the Watermark Student mobile app.
On this page, Admin users are able to search for student as well as filter students by when they first logged in to the mobile app and export the results to Excel.
- The Watermark Student Mobile App User list does not necessarily show all users that have the app downloaded, since it does not track students that deleted the app from their mobile device after they first logged in.
The Aviso Student Users Administrative page will only be available if an institution has purchased Watermark Student.
- 6.0.9 - 8/31/20
We have added an option for users to filter the list of messages to just unread. When this option is turned off, it will show all messages including ones that are unread. A picture of this can be seen below.