1. Navigate to the Administration screens and click on Relationships - Relationships. Search for the staff member whose entire caseload is not showing. Verify if they are assigned as a primary advisor/coach on student records.
2. Impersonate the staff member from People Administration.
3. Check the staff member's User Settings.
- By default, only Current Students is selected under Caseload. This means that only students registered in a current or future term will appear "on caseload".
- If Continuing Students is selected under Caseload user settings, then students who are not currently registered in a current or future term, yet attended durung the past year, will also be included "on caseload".
- The "Automatically follow students enrolled in current courses that I instruct" option adds students to a faculty member's caseload as long as they are registered in a course the faculty member is currently teaching. However, once the course ends, the following parameters are no longer met and the student is dropped off of the faculty member's caseload. Even if we select the "Continuing Students" option, it will not add those students back from previous semesters because those courses are not current.
4. If the missing caseload student(s) are current students, look up a "missing" student to check if the student is in fact assigned to the staff person in question by looking at their student profile tab. If the primary advisor/coach is assigned correctly, verify that the student is current/continuing and that this is what is checked on the primary advisor/coach's Caseload settings.
5. If the student(s) are not included in Caseload User Settings, one solution is to create a filter on the staff person's student tab named "All Advisees" by clicking the plus sign next to Filters, the Everyone scope, and then selecting the staff member's name under Academic Advisor:
This filter will now show all advisees assigned to the staff member whether they are registered in a current or future semester.
6. If the issue is that an entire caseload is missing for a staff member following students set by a tag/permitted role, please make sure the individual staff member is set up with a Follow by Tag relationship. For more information about this, please click here.