Catalog Workflow

  • Catalog Workflow Dashboard

    Catalog Workbox Access from Unified Navigation Curriculum Strategy has created a faster and more effective way to access and work within the catalog workbox. These changes are available through your Unified Navigation dashboard. Previous Catalog Workbox Access This was the only available catalog workbox experience, found within your content management system. While the...

  • Promote a catalog item through the Workflow

    When you have made the final edits to an item, you can promote it in the workflow so that it can be Reviewed and Approved. Promoting the item, unlocks the item automatically for the next user to review/approve. Once it has gone through the final workflow state, it will be available to be published to the live catalog. WORKFLOW NOTES: Admins/Approvers: Keep items moving...

  • Approving Catalog Items

    To approve items, click the “Approve” button within the workbox on an individual item:Please note: An Approve button is available to Admins in the Draft Workbox, but is only available in the Pending Final Approval workbox for all other users.You may also approve directly from the Content Editor with the item selected in the Content Tree by clicking on the “Approve” butt...

  • Buttons in the Workbox

    Once an item has been locked for editing, a new version of the item is created and will appear in your Draft workbox. In addition to the items you are working on, items that have been sent to you (if you are a reviewer, approver or administrator) will also appear in your workflow, in their respective workbox. The following are actions you can take in an item within the ...

  • Removing Versions

    To remove a version, select the item in the content tree or the link from within the workbox (this will open the item in the Content Editor), within the Versions tab, select “Remove”NOTE: When removing versions, make sure there is another version preceding the version being removed before removal. If there is only one version of an item, do not remove it. Removing the l...

  • Boxes in the Workbox

    Every Institution's approval process is different and workboxes may be named or structured differently. The workflow below is just an example of the default workflow that may be present. After locking an item to edit, a new version of the item will be created. This item will now be accessible from your Draft workbox for editing and promoting through workflow. All users ...