Account Management

  • Changing the list length in your account

    To change the list length in your account, follow these steps:   1. Click "My Account" in the upper right corner of the screen. 2. Click the "Edit" button across from "Site Preferences". 3. Make a selection in the "List length" drop down menu. 4. Click the "Save" button.

  • Admin Access to Faculty Key Codes

    The faculty keycode comes from the LiveText Coordinator on campus.  The LiveText Coordinator can locate the faculty keycode within the Course Administrator account for the institution. Within that account, the administrator can do the following to locate the keycode:1. Click the "Admin" tab.2. Click "Keys" on the far left side of screen under "Administration".3. Click t...

  • Keycode Management Guide

    Admin User Guide: Keycode Management Keycode Management Overview LiveText Keycode Management is a tool that allows administrators to distribute and manage keycodes for faculty and students. When Keycode Management is enabled, a special administrator account is created. This account, called the Keycode Manager, has unique permissions giving it access to the Keycode M...